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The death has occurred of
Catherine (Kitty) Norton
(née Meagher)
The death has occurred of Mrs Catherine (Kitty) Norton, Bouleakeale, The Commons, Thurles and Strathmore Lodge, Callan, Co Kilkenny. Kitty passed away peacefully at St Luke's Hospital Kilkenny. Predeceased by her husband Thomas, sisters Nancy, Joan, Nellie and brothers Paddy and Ned. Deeply regretted by her loving family, sons Donal, Thomas, Billy and Paul, daughters Noreen(Kilkenny), Bernie Meagher (Clonmel), Mary Raleigh (Surrey, UK) and Patricia Norton (Kilkenny and Brussels). Sadly missed by her brother Tom and sister Sr Mary De Paul (UK), her sisters-in-law, grandchildren and great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, neighbours and large circle of friends.
May Kitty Rest In Peace
Reposing in Ronans Funeral Home Ballingarry on Monday, 19th August, from 4pm to 8pm, followed by removal to The Church of the Assumption, Ballingarry. Requiem Mass on Tuesday, 20th August, at 12 o'clock, followed by burial in St Aidan's Cemetery, Kilmanagh, Co Kilkenny.
Ar Dheis De Go Raibh A hAnam
Date Published:
Sunday 18th August 2019
Date of Death:
Saturday 17th August 2019