Aedeen McKeever

Condolence Book for

Aedeen McKeever
(née Byrne)

Wicklow Town, Wicklow / Killiney, Dublin

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Truly sorry to hear about dear Aedeen thinking of Niall and Denise at this time time
Debbie Geraghty.
— Debbie Geraghty
My deepest sympathy to Niall ,Denise & family on the passing of Aedeen..Thinking of you all at this sad time...May Aedeen Rest In Peace.Siobhan..RoyalBridge Club
— Siobhan Howard
To Niall, Denise and Family,
So Sorry to hear the sad news of Aedeen's passing. We have great memories and had good times in Walter Nash over the years. May Aedeen rest in peace xx
— Jacinta & Aisling (Walter Nash)
Our deepest heart-felt condolences Niall, Denise and family on Aideen's transition. She is united with Ian and all who have gone before her and is only a thought away. We will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. ❤️
— Michael and Julie McKeever
Deepest condolences to Denise and family on the passing of your Mum from your friends and colleagues
— Clarke Energy
My sincere sympathy on the death of Aideen. She is now enjoying her eternal reward. (Aideen's grandfather was my uncle) May the good Lord support you all in your sorrow.
— Dorothy Somers
Our condolences Niall on the passing of Aideen. RIP.
— Sean & June Leonard (ex Butler's Chemist)
To Denise and family
We are sorry to hear of the loss of your Mum. We will be thinking of you in the coming days and keeping you in our prayers.
Joy and Dave (Westmount Court)
— Joy and Dave Twamley
My deepest sympathy to Niall, Denise & family. What happy memories we had of her growing up. May she rest in peace 💕
— Marian Winder
What a wonderful woman Aedeen was and have many happy memories of her. Praying for her soul and thinking of Niall, Denise and all the McKeever’s. Love Kieran
— Kieran Winder
My deepest condolences to you Denise , your Dad , Paul and David , and all the family
Thinking of you all . May your mam rest in peace
— Nikki and Aidan and boys
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