Arumugam (Saba) Ratnasimgham

Condolence Book for

Arumugam (Saba) Ratnasimgham

Clifden, Clara, Kilkenny

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Goodnight Saba.
— Nick. Y.
So sad to hear the news of dear Saba's passing. We first met in Camphill Ballytobin some 20 plus years ago . He was always the most charming and sweet man! After we both left Camphill I spent some time with him and would take him swimming and to the gym! We used to have such a laugh together and I enjoyed his company. Afterwards we would have tea and a bite to eat. Sadly before Covid we lost contact and I hadn't seen him recently. Sending condolences to Rohan and Andrew, he spoke of you both, and Triona, a lot.
— Alison Baxter, Kilmaganny
Sincere sympathy to Saba's sons and extended family. May he rest in peace.
— Noel & Sheila Shore, Coon
Sympathy to Sabas Family may he rest in peace.
— Joe and Kathleen Pyke.
Farewell dear friend.
— Hoyne Family
Condolences to Sabas family. My Saba rest in peace.
— May Whearty and family Clohogue Clifden Clara.
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippines 4:7
Rest in peace Saba .
— Selvin
Sincere condolences to Saba's family, so sorry for your loss. Saba was a true gent. May he R.I.P
— Ita (Flipside Studio)
Sincere condolences to Rohaan. , Andrew and all the extended family on your sad loss. May Saba rest in eternal peace .
— Margaret Ryan Damerstown
Condolences to all the family. May Saba rest in peace.
— Maisie Brennan and family Clara
Rest in peace saba
— Philomena Cunningham
Condolences to Saba’s family, May he rest in peace
— Alan and Brigid Evans
So sorry for yor loss thinking of all the family at this sad time rest in peace sabayou were a lovley man to have known 🙏
— Catherine hoyne
Sincere sympathy to his family. Our thought are with you.

Dr. Brendan Lee and staff
— Castle Gardens Medical Centre
May Saba rest in peace, thinking of his family at this sad time xrip
Rest in Peace Saba. Xx
— Denise Noonan
So sorry for your loss.
— Noel Hoyne .Clifden.
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