Condolence Book for
Teresa O'Kelly-Lynch
(née Frost)
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Sincere condolences to Robert, Ann & all the O'Kelly-Lynch family on the passing of your Mam. May she rest in peace.
Heartfelt condolences Robert to you Ann & Family on the sad passing of your beloved mother Teresa. May her gentle soul Rest in Peace.
Sincere sympathy to Robert Ann & all the OKelly-Lynch family on the death of Teresa Rip
Sympathies to Robert, Bill and the O' Kelly-Lynch family on the death of your mother, Teresa.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a h-anam.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a h-anam.
Carmel, sincere sympathy to you & all the extended family on the passing of your dear mother Teresa. May she rest in peace.
My sincere sympathies on the loss of your Mother Teresa. A lady who made a difference to everyone’s life. I still have the scone cutter she gave me and I think of her often. Ar Dheis De go raibh si.
My sincere sympathies to all the family. Teresa was a very gracious lady. May she rest in peace .
Sincere condolences to Robert, Ann & all your family on the passing of your dear Mam. A wonderful age. May she rest in peace x
Condolences to Robert, Ann and all the O Kelly Lynch family on the sad passing of Teresa. May she rest in peace.
From Tom, Patricia & Kaitlin
From Tom, Patricia & Kaitlin
Sending our condolences to all the Kelly lynch family on the passing of your mum may she rest in peace.
Sincere sympathy to Robert and all of the family on the sad passing of your dear Mum. She was a lovely lady. My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this very sad time. May her gentle soul rest in peace.
Miriam Nolan Naas
Miriam Nolan Naas
My sincere condolences to you Bill and your family on the passing of your mother. You are in my prayers and thoughts at this difficult time. She has gone home and may she rest in peace.
Sincere Sympathy to Carmel and family and all extended family. MayTeresa Rest in eternal Peace
Condolences to Bill Attracta and the O Kelly Lynch family on the passing of your Mum.
RIP Teresa
RIP Teresa
Emer and family, my deepest condolences on the passing of your mother. You are in my thoughts.
Our sincere sympathies to Bill and the extended O’Kelly-Lynch family. May your mother rest in peace.
Sincere sympathy to all the O’ Kelly-Lynch family on the sad passing of your mother. May she rest in peace.
My sympathy to Carmel & O'Kelly Lynch family on the sad passing of Teresa. May she rest in peace
Condolences to all the O’Kelly-Lynch family for Teresa’s passing, particularly Robert, Ann, Niamh, Eanna and Iarlaith. May she rest in peace.
Sincere sympathy Emer on the loss of your mum. Thinking of you at this difficult time.
To Carmel & the O'Kelly Lynch family my sincere sympathies on the passing of your mother. May she rest in peace.
Comhbhrón ó chroí le Robert agus an clann ar fad ar bhás Teresa. Leaba i measc na naomh go raibh aici.
Sincere sympathy to Emer at this sad time. You are in my thoughts. Niamh
Deepest sympathy to Robert and the O’Kelly Lynch family on the passing of your Mam. May she rest in peace.
Sincere sympathy to the Frost and O’Kelly-Lynch families on the sad passing of Teresa. May she rest in peace.
Deepest sympethy to all the family
Sincere sympathy on the loss of your Mum. May she rest in peace.
Robert and family- our heartfelt condolences on the passing of your dear Mother. You are all in our thoughts these tough days. We hope sharing stories of happy times together and shared laughter will bring you comfort in the days ahead.
Robert, so sorry to hear of the death of your dear Mom. Age doesnt make losing a Mom easy, but,knowing how special and loving she was can bring comfort to the family
Condolences on the Sad Passing your Mother Robert and Your Family
Comhbhròn Ò Chroi le Robert, Ann, Niamh, Èanna, Iarla agus Clann O Kelly- Lynch ar fad on the sad passing of your Mum Teresa and adored Gran to her 14 Grandchildren. Sincere Condolences also to her extended family and many many friends, Leaba i measc na Naomh agus na hAingeal go mbeidh ag Teresa.
Sincere condolences to Robert and family on the passing of your Mother. May she rest in peace.
Sincere condolences to Robert and family on the passing of your mum. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.
Deepest sympathy to Carmel, Gerard and family and the extended O Kelly- Lynch family on the death of your mother. May she rest in peace.
Sincere condolences to Robert and all the family on the passing of your mother. May she rest in peace.
Sincere condolences to Bill and the O’Kelly-Lynch family on the passing of Teresa. May she rest in peace.
Emer and family, my deepest sympathy to you on the death of your Mum, may she rest in peace.
Sincere condolences to Bill and the extended O’Kelly Lynch family on the passing of your Mum. May she rest in peace.
Deepest sympathy to Carmel, Gerard and family and the extended O'Kelly-Lynch family on the death of your dear Mam, Teresa. May Teresa rest in peace.
Deepest sympathy to Robert Ann your children and extended family at this sad time. May your dear Mam rest in peace.
Sincere sympathy to Robert and the o Kelly Lynch on the death of your mother
May she rest in peace
May she rest in peace
Deepest condolences to Robert and family on the death of your mother .May she rest in peace
Sincere condolences to Robert, Ann and family on the passing of your Mother. May she rest in eternal peace.
Sincere condolences Carmel and family on the passing of your mother. May she rest in peace.
Our sincere sympathies to Bill, Robert and the extended O’Kelly-Lynch families on the sad passing of Teresa.
May she Rest in Peace.
May she Rest in Peace.
Our sincere condolences to Robert, Ann, Niamh, Éanna, Iarlaith and all the family on the passing of Teresa. Thinking of you all. May she rest in peace.
Seanín, Karen & family.
Seanín, Karen & family.
Our deepest sympathy to you Robert, Ann, Niamh, Èanna & Iarlaith on the passing of your Mam & Grandmother, also to the extended O'Kelly-Lynch & Frost families. May Teresa rest in peace. Thinking of you all at this time.xx
Sincere condolences to Carmel, Gerard, the Mitchell and O’Kelly-Lynch families on the loss of Teresa.
Suaimhneas síoraí dá hanam.
Ken Hogan and Sheila O’Halloran
Caherelly, Co. Limerick
Suaimhneas síoraí dá hanam.
Ken Hogan and Sheila O’Halloran
Caherelly, Co. Limerick
Sincere condolences Emer,Carmel,Bill,Robert,Ann,Niamh,Éanna ,Iarlaith and extended Frost and O'Kelly-Lynch families. May Teresa's gentle soul rest in peace.
Sincere sympathy to the O’Kelly-Lynch and Frost family on the death of Teresa. She was a lovely lady. May she rest in peace.
Sincere sympathies to you Bill & all of the family on the sad loss of your Mother. May she rest in eternal peace.
Sincere sympathy to Robert and all your family at this sad time.
Deepest sympathy to Robert Ann and the O Kelly Lynch family on the death of your dear Mam Teresa May she rest in peace
Sincere sympathy to Robert Ann and the O Kelly Lynch family on the sad passing of your dear Mam Teresa Ár dheis dé go raibh a h-anam
Deepest sympathy to Robert, Ann and the extended O’Kelly-Lynch family on the passing of Teresa. May she rest in peace.
Carmel, my sincere condolences to you and your family and the extended O’Kelly-Lynch family on the sad passing of your mother Teresa. May she rest in heavenly peace.
Deepest sympathy to Robert Ann and all the O'Kelly Lynch Family. May she rest in peace.
Condolences to Bill, Attracta and the extended family on the passing of your dear mum. May her gentle soul RIP..
Our deepest sympathies to Robert, Ann and the extended O’Kelly Lynch family on the sad passing of Teresa.
Ar dheis Dè go raibh a hanam.
Ar dheis Dè go raibh a hanam.
Sincere condolences to Bill & Attracta and extended O Kelly Lynch family on death of Teresa . May she rest in peace
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