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The death has occurred of
Kathleen (Kitty) Gannon
(née Kennedy)
Kitty died peacefully in the loving care of nurses and staff at Fennor Care Facility Urlingford. Predeceased by her husband Michael and brother Richard. Deeply regretted by her loving daughter Michelle, son in law Tony, adoring grandchildren James and Michael, brothers Tom, Jim, Pete and Sean, sisters Eileen, Bridget and Mary, brothers in law, sisters in law, nieces, nephews, relatives and a wide circle of friends.
Rest In Peace
Reposing at Doyle's Funeral Home, Urlingford (Eircode E41XO38) on Wednesday evening from 5.30pm until 7.30pm followed by removal to St. Kieran's Church, Johnstown arriving at 8pm. Requiem Mass on Thursday morning at 11am followed by burial in Johnstown Cemetery. Messages of condolence can be placed on the page provided below.
Kitty's Funeral Mass can be viewed by pressing the following link
Date Published:
Tuesday 25th January 2022
Date of Death:
Monday 24th January 2022