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The death has occurred of


Ballinteer, Dublin

Peacefully at home, surrounded by his loving family. Beloved husband of Fiona and much loved father of James, Laura and Emma. Very sadly missed by his loving family, daughter-in-law Keri, grandchildren Fraser and Grace, twin sister Joan, sister Lorraine, father-in-law John and his wife Dolores, brothers-in-law Jay, Mark and Jonathan, sisters-in-law Andrea, Elaine and Joan, relatives, neighbours and friends.


Rest in Peace


Reposing at his home on Sunday afternoon (21 November) from 2 pm to 4 pm for family and close friends only. Removal on Monday morning (22 November) to the Church of St John the Evangelist, Ballinteer arriving for Funeral Mass at 11 am followed by burial in Mount Venus Cemetery.


For those who cannot attend, the Funeral Mass may also be viewed through the parish web camera at the following link:


Messages of sympathy for Alan’s family can be left in the condolence section below.

Date Published:

Thursday 18th November 2021

Date of Death:

Thursday 18th November 2021

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