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Albert Bagnall

The death has occurred of

Albert Bagnall

Tyrrellspass, Westmeath

The death has occurred of Albert Bagnall. Tyrrellspass Co. Westmeath, 24th October 2023.


He passed peacefully, surrounded by his loving family, under the wonderful care of the staff of South Westmeath Hospice, Athlone.


A private cremation will be held on Thursday, 26th October, for his immediate family. A service for all who wish to join will be held at 2pm on Friday, 27th October, at St. Sinian's Church Tyrrellspass N91 HW61.


Albert will be remembered fondly by his children, wife, extended family and friends.


No flowers, please; any donations, if desired, to South Westmeath Hospice Athlone.

Date Published:

Wednesday 25th October 2023

Date of Death:

Tuesday 24th October 2023

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