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Albert Crabb

The death has occurred of

Albert Crabb

Monasterevin, Kildare

Crabb Albert, Birmingham, England and formerly of Old Grange, Monasterevin.  16th March 2021, (peacefully) after a short illness in Birmingham.  Predeceased by his father William, mother Margaret, his sisters Nancy, Florrie and Olive.   Sadly missed by his partner June, sons Mark, Adrian & Albert, daughters Deborah & Amanda, daughter-in-law Tracy, Marcus, grandchildren, Sarah, Melissa, Daniel, Jamie, Lauren & Lorna, great-grandchildren, brother William, sisters Sylvia & Barbara, sister-in-law Kathleen, brothers-in-law Martin & Michael, nieces, nephews, extended family, relatives & friends. 

At Rest

A private Funeral Mass will take place due to Government advice and HSE restrictions on public gatherings. Removal from Anderson & Leahy Funeral home, Newbridge on Wednesday (6th April) to arrive at St. Evin’s Cemetery, Monasterevin for burial at 11am. 

Those who would have liked to have attended the funeral but due to current restrictions cannot, can leave their condolences on the RIP Condolence section below.


Date Published:

Thursday 1st April 2021

Date of Death:

Tuesday 16th March 2021

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