Brian McElroy Funeral Directors (I.A.F.D.) - Tallaght

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Alice Greville

The death has occurred of

Alice Greville
(née Dunne)

Springfield, Dublin / Terenure, Dublin

Greville (née Dunne) Alice (Springfield, Tallaght and formerly of Terenure Road North) December 13th, 2022 (suddenly, but peacefully) at home. Beloved wife of Adrian and loving mam of Elizabeth, David and Sandra. Sadly missed by her loving husband, daughters, son, grandchildren Emma, Sara, Ava, Jessica and Isabelle, daughter-in-law Nathalie, sons-in-law Mark and Bren, sister Betty, nieces, nephews, extended family, neighbours and friends.


May Alice rest in peace


Reposing at the Brian McElroy Funeral home, The Square, Tallaght (opp Tallaght Stadium) on Thursday (15th December) from 5pm to 7pm. Funeral Mass will take place on Saturday (17th December) at 10am in St Mark’s Church, Springfield and afterwards for burial in Newlands Cross Cemetery.


Alice’s family would like to express their immense gratitude to the staff of The Haematology Day Ward and the Burkitt Ward in Tallaght Hospital.

Date Published:

Wednesday 14th December 2022

Date of Death:

Tuesday 13th December 2022

Express your sympathy
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