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Angela Bernadette (Bernie) Ray

The death has occurred of

Angela Bernadette (Bernie) Ray
(née Sherwin)

Santry, Dublin

Ray (née Sherwin), Angela Bernadette (Bernie), (aged 87 years), (Santry), 24th, December 2023, at the Mater Hospital; beloved wife of the late James Richard (Dick), loving mother of Karina, Jeannette and Joan and cherished nana to David, Ciarán, Ciara, Ian, Sineád, Seán and Darcy and great-nana to Éabha.


Sadly missed by her loving family, sons-in-law Noel, Michael and Colum, sister Sally, extended family, relatives, neighbours, friends and in particular her carers.


Bernie will be arriving at Our Lady of Victories Church, Ballymun Road on Thursday (December 28th) for 11.30am Requiem Mass followed by burial at Dardistown Cemetery.


“May she Rest in Peace”

Date Published:

Tuesday 26th December 2023

Date of Death:

Sunday 24th December 2023

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