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Anne Condon

The death has occurred of

Anne Condon
(née Keogan)

Fr. Kitt Court, Crumlin, Dublin

Condon (née Keogan) (Dublin) August 26th 2021 suddenly at St. James’s Hospital, Anne, late of Fr. Kitt Court, Crumlin and formerly of Lissadel Drive, Drimnagh. Beloved wife of the late Reg and much loved mother of Diana, Sandra, Pamela, Jessica, Mark and Emma. Sadly missed by her loving family, sons-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nephews, nieces relatives and friends.


May she rest in peace.


In line  with Government and HSE advice a small private funeral will take place. For those who cannot attend the funeral due to the restrictions the funeral Mass can be viewed this Tuesday (August 31st) at 10 o’clock by clicking on the following link or if you  would like to leave a message of sympathy on our condolence section please visit  or alternatively please leave a condolence on condolence section below.


Family flowers only please, donations if desired to The Irish Heart Foundation or Diabetes Ireland.


All enquiries to Massey Bros, The Haven, Crumlin Road, 01 4541666.

Date Published:

Saturday 28th August 2021

Date of Death:

Thursday 26th August 2021

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