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Anne Geoghegan

The death has occurred of

Anne Geoghegan
(née Doyle)

Bastion Court & Battery Road, Athlone, Westmeath

Peacefully in the tender care of South Westmeath Hospice, following a short illness.  Deeply regretted by her loving daughters Mary & Rose, sons in law Damian & Ian, grandchildren Janet & Anna, brother Paddy & sister Margaret (Kegley), relatives, neighbours & friends.

May She rest In Peace.


Reposing at the Strand Funeral Home (N37 E6K0) on Saturday evening from 5 o'clock to 7 o'clock.  Mass of the resurrection on Monday at 11 o'clock in Ss. Peter & Paul's Church, followed by burial in Drum Cemetery (approx 12.30 o'clock). Family flowers only please, donations, if desired, to South Westmeath Hospice.


In the interest of the containment of the Coronavius & in line with goverment directive please refrain from hand shaking & body contact while offering sympathies. Anne's family fully understand if people refrain from attending funeral, condolences can be offered on RIP condolence book or by card. 

Funeral Mass available on

Date Published:

Friday 13th March 2020

Date of Death:

Thursday 12th March 2020

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