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Bernadette (Bernie) Meenehan, nee Maguire, Conroy Park, Kilcullen, Co Kildare, who died 12th September 2021, peacefully, at her residence. Deeply regretted by her loving husband Willie, daughter Sharon, sons Wesley, Clifford, Terry, Patrick and Dermot, sister Mary, son in law Eamon, daughters in law Ruth, Cleo, Georgina, Sinead and Lu, grandchildren great grandchildren, nieces especially Sharon livingstone, nephews, neighbours, relatives and friends.
Reposing at her residence. Removal from there on Tuesday morning to Church of Sacred Heart and St Brigid, Kilcullen, arriving for 11am requiem Mass, funeral afterwards to Newlands Cross Crematorium. Family flowers only, please.
Due to current guidelines regarding public gatherings, a private family funeral will take place restricted to church capacity of 50%. Those who would have liked to attend the funeral but due to current guidelines cannot, please feel free to leave a message of condolence for Bernie's family at the bottom of the page.
The funeral Mass will be live streamed on
May Bernie Rest In Peace
Date Published:
Monday 13th September 2021
Date of Death:
Sunday 12th September 2021