Jennings Funeral Directors - Coolock

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Bernadette Byrne

The death has occurred of

Bernadette Byrne
(née Donoghue)

Coolock, Dublin

Byrne, Bernadette, (née Donoghue) – 24th October 2022, (Coolock, Dublin),  Peacefully, surrounded by her loving family at Beaumont Hospital. Loving  mother of James, Mark and Karl. Sadly missed by her mother Christina, sons, Karl’s partner Lisa, grandchildren, brothers and sisters, nieces, nephews, extended family, friends and neighbours.


"May she rest in peace."


Reposing at her residence Wednesday 26th October from 5pm to 7pm. Removal on Thursday morning to the Church of St. Luke the Evangelist, Kilmore West  arriving for Funeral Mass at 10am followed by burial in Balgriffin Cemetery Extension.

Date Published:

Tuesday 25th October 2022

Date of Death:

Monday 24th October 2022

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