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Bernadette CARROLL

The death has occurred of

Bernadette CARROLL

Deansgrange, Dublin

Bernadette Carroll – November 6th 2019 (passed away peacefully) in the loving care of her carers and friends in Coolnavaun, Ravenswell, Bray. Beloved youngest daughter of the late Jimmy and Molly Carroll, adored little sister of Edmund, Maura and the late Seamus and loving sister-in-law of Séan Lynch. Deeply missed by Fiona, Caroline, Niamh and David and their husbands and partner Declan, J.P., Brendan and Keith, her great-nieces and nephews Senan, Adam, Sadie, Lucy, Molly and Conn, family and friends.

May she rest in peace.

Reposing at her home on Friday evening from 5.30pm with a gathering of family and friends for 7.30pm Prayer Service (all welcome to attend). Removal on Saturday morning to the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Foxrock arriving at 9.50am. Funeral immediately after 10am Requiem Mass to Deans Grange Cemetery.

Date Published:

Thursday 7th November 2019

Date of Death:

Wednesday 6th November 2019

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