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Bernadette Ruane

The death has occurred of

Bernadette Ruane
(née Patterson)

Lisnagroobe, Ballinlough, Roscommon

The death has occurred peacefully at the Sacred Heart Hospital Roscommon of Bernadette Ruane (nee Patterson) Lisnagroobe, Ballinlough, Co. Roscommon. Predeceased by her husband John. Deeply regretted by her sons Pat, Tom, John, Donal, Aidan and Dermot and her daughter Lily, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, nieces, nephews and her sister-in-law Rita Patterson, relatives and friends.


Rest in Peace


Funeral leaving Donnellans Funeral Home, Clare Street, Ballyhaunis on Friday morning (via Lisnagroobe) to arrive to St Patrick’s Church, Granlahan for Funeral Mass at 12 o clock with burial afterwards in the local cemetery. Funeral Mass can be viewed live on Donnellan Undertakers Facebook page. House private please, due to covid  restrictions  Funeral  Mass will be for family  members  only. 

Date Published:

Wednesday 6th January 2021

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