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Betty Callanan

The death has occurred of

Betty Callanan
(née Dunne)

Shantalla, Galway / Maynooth, Kildare / Tipperary

Callanan (née Dunne), Betty, Fursey Road, Shantalla, Galway and late of Ballingarry, Co. Tipperary, January 1st 2022, peacefully in the loving care of the staff of Moyglare Nursing Home, Maynooth, wife of the late Kevin.


Much loved mother of Paul, Jennifer, Lorraine, Kevin, Ronan and the late Elizabeth. Sadly missed by her grandchildren Katie, Sarah, David, Jaxson, Mason, Rory, Mary, Caoimhe, Conor, Fia and Ruth, brothers and sisters, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law,  extended family, and friends. 


Rest In Peace


Reposing at Reilly's Funeral Home, Leinster St., Maynooth on Tuesday between 4.00pm and 6.00pm. Removal on Wednesday at 11am to arrive at St. Mary's Church, Maynooth for 11.30am funeral mass, followed by burial in Laraghbryan Cemetery.


Those who would like to line the route, may do so in a safe and socially distanced manner.


The Funeral Mass can be viewed on Wednesday morning at 11.30am by clicking on the following link:


Oliver Reilly Funeral Directors accepts no responsibility for any live webcam interruptions or issues.


Please adhere to HSE and Government guidelines at all times.

Those who are unable to attend the funeral, please leave a personal message for the family in the condolences section below.


For all enquiries, please contact Oliver Reilly Ltd. Funeral Directors on (045) 868230

Date Published:

Sunday 2nd January 2022

Date of Death:

Saturday 1st January 2022

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