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Brendan Frawley

The death has occurred of

Brendan Frawley

Davin Gardens, Caherdavin, Limerick

Brendan passed away on November 10th following a short illness heroically borne, in the exceptional care of the men and women at UHL.

Predeceased by his beloved wife Madeleine and his brothers John and Joseph.

Deeply regretted by his heart-broken daughters, Louise, Brenda, Claire and Sinéad; his son-in-law Tomás and adored grandchildren,

Rachel and Dara. He is sadly missed by his much loved sister Ann and her husband Frank Aktabowski, sisters-in law, brothers-in-law,

nieces, nephews, relatives, his wonderful Davin Gardens neighbours and by his many dear and cherished friends.


Brendan’s family extends heartfelt gratitude to all at UHL who treated Brendan and his family with great gentleness and provided

outstanding treatment, and also to Dr. Ciarán Joyce and his staff for many years of exemplary kindness and care.


In accordance with his wishes, there will be a small, private family funeral,

followed by cremation at Shannon Crematorium on Monday, November 13th, at 1pm.

Brendan's Cremation Service will be streamed live on the Shannon Crematorium Webcam

(To access the stream enter the password BFC13)


House Private Please

No flowers Please. Donations in lieu, if desired, to Milford Care Centre at this link.

(To donate click here)

Those wishing to express sympathy may do so on condolences section or send cards or messages through Cross’s Funeral Directors.

Date Published:

Saturday 11th November 2023

Date of Death:

Friday 10th November 2023

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