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Brendan NOLAN

The death has occurred of

Brendan NOLAN

Hardwicke Street, Dublin 1, Dublin / Poppintree, Dublin

NOLAN Brendan (Late of Poppinntree and formerly of Hardwicke Street) August 19th 2023. Passed peacefully but unexpectedly at his home. Beloved husband of Ann and the late Yvonne and loving father of Paul, Sandra and the late Derek (Bo). Sadly missed by his family, brothers, sisters, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, in-laws and partners, nieces, nephews, relatives, neighbours and friends.


Reposing at his home in Poppintree from 5pm on Wednesday evening, August 23rd. Funeral Mass on Friday morning, August 25th, at 11am at Saint Francis Xavier Church, Gardiner Street, followed by burial in Glasnevin Cemetery (Garden Section).


Please note that the funeral Mass can be viewed online at –


Those who wish to, may leave a message of condolence in the Condolence section on this page.


“May he rest in peace”

Date Published:

Wednesday 23rd August 2023

Date of Death:

Saturday 19th August 2023

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