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Bríd Keane

The death has occurred of

Bríd Keane
(née Hynes)

Surrey, England and originally of Knock, Lettermullen, Galway

Bríd, (Bridie) Keane (nee Hynes) of Chessington, Surrey, England and originally of An Cnoc, Leitir Mealláin, Galway. Peacefully, after a short illness at St. George’s Hospital, London; 20 October 2020.

Dearly missed by her husband Cóilín, sons and daughter: Colin,
Maureen, Michael, Daughter-in-law Jenny, Grandchildren Mandy,
Daniel, Joe, Cullum,Great grandchildren Shaun, Lily, Ava and Grace. Predeceased by her parents, Máire and Colm O hEidhin (Hynes), brothers and sisters and daughter-in-law Judith.

Deeply regretted by her nieces and nephews, brother-in-law and sisters-in-law Donncha (Sonny) Mac Donncha (An Gleann Mór, An Cheathrú Rua), Winnie Uí Eidhin Hynes (An Cnoc, Leitir Mealláin), Maggie O’Hara (Doire Fhearta, An Cheathrú Rua), Máire O’Donnell (Leitir Mucú), Bridie Maree (Chertsey, England), Margaret Keane (Roscommon), Teresa Keane (Doire Fhearta, An Cheathrú Rua), Sarah Keane (Addlestone, England) and relatives and a large circle of friends.


Funeral and burial will take Place in England. Details will be available at a later date. Anyone wishing to express sympathy with the family may use the condolence book below.

May she rest in peace.

I líonta Dé go gcastar sinn.

 Bríd (Bridie) Keane, Chessington, Surrey, Sasana Bríd
 Mháire Phena Ní Eidhin ó dhúchas as an gCnoc, Leitir Mealláin, Co.
Na Gaillimhe. Tar éis tinnis gairid i nOspidéal St. George’s , London. 20
 Deire Fómhair 2020.

Méala mór a bás dá fearcéile Cóilín, a clann Colin, Maureen, Michael,
 Beanchéile a mic Jenny, Garchlann Mandy, Daniel, Joe, Cullum,
Clann Clainne Shaun, Lily, Ava agus Grace.

Tá, Judith, beanchéile a mic ar shlí na fírinne roimpi chomh maith
 lena deartháireacha is deirfiúracha.

B’í Bríd an duine deireanach den chlann a bhí ag Máire Phena agus Colm Pheatchín Sheáin, An Cnoc, Leitir Mealláin.
Cúis mhór bróin a bás dá nianna agus neachtanna agus dá
 cleamhnaithe Donncha(Sonny) Mac Donncha (An Gleann Mór, An
 Cheathrú Rua) Winnie Uí Eidhin Hynes (An Cnoc, Leitir Mealláin),
Maggie O’Hara (Doire Fhearta, An Cheathrú Rua), Máire O’Donnell
 (Leitir Mucú), Bridie Maree (Chertsey, England), Margaret Keane
 (Roscommon), Teresa Keane (Doire Fhearta, An Cheathrú Rua), Sarah
 Keane (Addlestone, England), A Gaolta agus a cáirde ar fad.

Beidh an tsochraide agus an t-adhlacadh i Sasana ach níl aon dáta
 socraithe fós.

Dá mba mhian le daoine a gcomhbhrón a chur in iúil don chlann is
féidir sin a dhéanamh sna “condolences” thíos .

Beannacht Dé lena hanam dílis.

I líónta Dé go gcastar sinn.

Date Published:

Thursday 22nd October 2020

Date of Death:

Tuesday 20th October 2020

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