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Bridget Ellis

The death has occurred of

Bridget Ellis
(née Carr)

Bangort, Glencolmcille, Donegal
Bridget Ellis (Nee Carr),
Co Donegal.
Predeceased by her husband Dinny Ellis and son Martin.
Loving mother of William, Denis, John Joe, James and daughter Anne Bernadette Whyte, Son in Law, Daughters in Law, Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren, Sisters Vera Conaghan and Catherine McGonigle, Nieces and Nephews and Extended Family.
Wake in her daughter Anne Whyte's residence in Loughros Point, Ardara, F94 P2V5 on Wednesday and Thursday from 11:00am to 10:00pm.  Funeral from there on Friday, via Glengesh, Strafin, Straboy, Sieve, Bangort to arrive at St Columba's Church, Cashel, Glencolmcille for 1pm Funeral Mass with burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.
The Funeral Mass will be streamlined by: 
Those who would have liked to attend the funeral but cannot do so are invited to leave a personal message in the condolence section below. 

Date Published:

Wednesday 17th May 2023

Date of Death:

Tuesday 16th May 2023

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