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Bridget O'Connell

The death has occurred of

Bridget O'Connell
(née Prendergast)

Askelane, Louisburgh, Mayo

Bridget O' Connell (née Prendergast) (Askelane, Louisburgh, Co. Mayo and formerly San Francisco, USA) Dec. 13th 2017, Peacefully at her home. Predeceased by her brothers Pat, Geoffrey, Michael, and Tommy, sisters Ann and Sarah (Gibbons). Deeply mourned by her loving husband Morgan, sisters Alice Garsed  and Mary Whalley (England), brother James (Canada), sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, grand - nephews & nieces, cousins, and many friends.

May She Rest In Peace.

Funeral cortege arriving at St. Patrick's Church, Louisburgh on Sunday (Dec. 17th) at 10.45am (time to meet family before Mass) for 11.30am Mass of the Resurrection, followed by interment in Killeen New Cemetery.

House Private Please.


Date Published:

Wednesday 13th December 2017

Date of Death:

Wednesday 13th December 2017

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