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Bridget Ryan

The death has occurred of

Bridget Ryan
(née Harding)

Oola, Limerick / Oola, Tipperary

Bridget (Biddy) Ryan (nee Harding) (formerly of Oola, Co. Limerick) December 16th 2023, peacefully in the wonderful care of St. Anthony’s Nursing Home, Pallasgreen. Predeceased by her husband John and her son John. Deeply regretted by her sons Tim, Vincent and Anthony, daughters-in-law Jean and Margaret, grandchildren Kieran, Georgina and Sinéad, great-grandchildren Holly, Grace and Luke, sister Kitty, brothers John and Tom, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.


Rest in Peace


Reposing at Ryan & White's Funeral Home, Pallasgreen, Tuesday (19th December) from 5.30pm until 7pm. Arriving to the Church of the Sacred Heart, Oola, on Wednesday morning for Requiem Mass at 11.30am with burial afterwards in Caherconlish Cemetery. If you wish to leave a message of sympathy for the family you may do so in the Condolence Section below.

Date Published:

Sunday 17th December 2023

Date of Death:

Saturday 16th December 2023

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