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Carmel Dalton

The death has occurred of

Carmel Dalton
(née Keane)

Modeligo, Waterford

DALTON; Graiguemore, Modeligo, Co. Waterford. On 8th July 2023, peacefully, Carmel (Nee Keane), loving wife of the late Mickey (Musician). Deeply regretted by her loving sons James, Paddy, Mike and Donal, daughters Eileen and Carmel-Ann, sister Mary and family (UK), daughters-in-law Ann, Eileen, Bernie and Rita, son-in-law Tom Walsh, grandchildren Mark (and his wife Lucy), Ciaran, Kevin, Ashleigh, Gavin, Niall, Orlaith and Danny, great-grandchildren Maeve and Maisie, nephews, nieces, relatives, neighbours and friends.


May She Rest In Peace.


Lying in repose at Aidan Walsh & Sons Funeral Home, Cappoquin

on Sunday evening from 5.00pm to 7.00pm.

Funeral Mass on Monday morning at 11.00 am,

in Our Lady of Assumption Church, Modeligo

followed by Burial in the adjoining cemetery.


All those attending funeral services are asked to respect social distancing guidelines.


We suggest using the online condolence page below as an option to offer your sympathies.



Date Published:

Saturday 8th July 2023

Date of Death:

Saturday 8th July 2023

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