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Carmel Fuller

The death has occurred of

Carmel Fuller
(née Nugent)

58 Knockaleery Road, Cookstown, Tyrone

Fuller (58 Knockaleery Road, Cookstown, BT80 9EJ). Carmel, peacefully, March 25th 2023 (R.I.P). Cherished wife of Norman. Devoted mother of Aisling, Conor and Claire. Dear sister of Dennis, Liam and Brenda (Treanor). Beloved daughter of Vera and John. 


Our Lady of Knock pray for her.  


Carmel's remains are reposing at her late residence. Carmel’s wake will commence today (Sunday) from 10am to 10pm. Funeral from there on Tuesday, 28th March, at 9:30am for 10am requiem Mass in St Joseph's Church, Killeenan followed by cremation at Lakelands Crematorium, Cavan, at 2pm and can be viewed using the link below: No flowers, please. Donations in lieu, if desired, directly to Marie Curie NI.


Deeply regretted and sadly missed by her husband, daughters, son, sister, brothers, sisters in-law, brothers in-law, nieces, nephews, godchildren, friends, neighbours and her wider family circle.  


All enquiries to Niall A. Loughran Funeral Directors, Cookstown 02886765454

Date Published:

Sunday 26th March 2023

Date of Death:

Saturday 25th March 2023

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