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Catherine (Kitty) Dunne

The death has occurred of

Catherine (Kitty) Dunne
(née Gavin)

Romford, U.K. and formerly Killough, Thurles, Tipperary

Kitty, dearly loved wife of Noel. Predeceased by her brothers Michael and Jim, sister Breda. Deeply regretted by her husband Noel, sons Billy and Noel, daughters Michelle, Sarah and Leighann, grandchildren, brothers Billy and Jackie, sisters Mary and Anna, daughters in law, sons in law, brother in law, nephews, nieces and many friends.

May She Rest In Peace

In accordance with current guidelines on public gatherings, the funeral will take place privately for family and close friends.

Condolences may be left for Kitty's family on the link below.

Date Published:

Wednesday 18th March 2020

Date of Death:

Monday 2nd March 2020

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