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Catherine Ryan

The death has occurred of

Catherine Ryan
(née Culleton)

Bauck Hill, St. Mullins, Carlow

Peacefully in the loving care of Borris Lodge Nursing Home. Pre-deceased by her husband Paddy and sister of the late Jim, Jack and Pat. Will be sadly missed by her loving sons Michael, Larry, Peter, Tony and daughter Berni, her much loved grandchildren and great - grandchildren, much loved sisters Eileen, Mary and Bridie,son -in law, daughters - in - law, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends.


Rest In Peace


Reposing at Joyce's Funeral Home, Borris, Co. Carlow. (R95 DV76) on Sunday 24th September from 3pm to 8pm. Removal on Monday the 25th September to St. Brendan's Church, Drummond arriving for funeral Mass at 12 noon followed by burial in St. Mullin's cemetery.

Date Published:

Saturday 23rd September 2023

Date of Death:

Friday 22nd September 2023

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