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Charles (Char) MALONE

The death has occurred of

Charles (Char) MALONE

Drumcondra, Dublin

MALONE (late of Drumcondra, Dublin) Charles (Charlie) passed suddenly on the 16th October 2024.Loving brother to Ciara, Christina, Joe and Jennifer, pre-deceased by his loving mother Bridget and brother Lar; sadly missed by his loving sisters and brother, sister-in-law Lorna, brother-in-law Daryl, son Gavin, daughter Megan, all his nieces and nephews, grandniece, grandnephew, uncles Robert and Derek, his father Larry, his step-father Christy and a wide circle of family and friends.


Those we love don’t go away they stay beside us every day.


May he rest in internal peace


Funeral on Tuesday morning at 10am in Corpus Christi Church, Drumcondra followed by burial in Dardistown Cemetery.


To view Charles's funeral mass please select the link below:

Date Published:

Friday 18th October 2024

Date of Death:

Wednesday 16th October 2024

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