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Christine (Chrissie) Cullen

The death has occurred of

Christine (Chrissie) Cullen
(née Brennan)

Crumlin, Dublin

Cullen (née Brennan), Christine (Chrissie), 7th June 2023, Kildare Road, Crumlin, peacefully, surrounded by her loving family in the kind care of the staff of St James’s Hospital. Predeceased by her baby daughter Annette and granddaughter Cara. Beloved wife and best friend of Brendan, loving mam of Michael, David, Karen, Terry, Adrienne and Brendan.


Chrissie will be forever loved and very sadly missed by her loving husband, children, grandchildren, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews especially Tony, extended family, neighbours and friends.


May Chrissie rest in peace.


Reposing at the Brian McElroy Funeral home, Crumlin Village, on Sunday (11th June) from 12pm to 2pm.

Funeral Mass on Monday (12th June) at 10am in St. Agnes’s Church, Crumlin Village, followed by burial in Newlands Cross.


Those who cannot attend the Funeral, please feel free to leave a message in the condolence book below.


Date Published:

Thursday 8th June 2023

Date of Death:

Wednesday 7th June 2023

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