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Colette Conroy

The death has occurred of

Colette Conroy

Tawnaghbawn, Cashel, Galway

In her 39th year, following a long illness bravely borne, peacefully in the arms of her loving family with the wonderful nurses in St Josephs ward, UHG. 

Deeply mourned and sadly missed by her heartbroken parents Michael and Sheila, sisters Margaret, Michelle and Valerie, brothers in law Pauric and Keith, beloved nieces and nephews Kayla, Keelan and Leanna McBrearty and godson Michael Burns. 

Sadly missed by her aunts, uncles and cousins (McInerney and Conroy), neighbours and friends . 


May she Rest in Peace 


Reposing at her family home (H91W580), on Monday 10th April from 4 to 8pm. Funeral mass will take place in St James Church, Cashel on Tuesday 11th April at 2pm. Private cremation will follow. 

Donations to Patient Comfort Fund in Galway University Hospital in lieu of flowers please. 

Date Published:

Sunday 9th April 2023

Date of Death:

Saturday 8th April 2023

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