Ann McGrath

Condolence Book for

Ann McGrath
(née O' Rourke)

Glenview Road, Wicklow Town, Wicklow / Dublin 18, Dublin

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Sincere Sympathy to the Allison, Lorraine, Ian and family.
Ann was a very good neighbour to us in Glenamuck a lovely gentle person.
You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Rest in Peace Ann.
The Bloomer Family.
— Shirley Burne (Bloomer)
Ann was a very kind and caring lady,Sunday wasn't the same unless Anne didn't attend a wayside football match and on to the golden ball after.RIP Ann.
— Hazel lennon
So sorry Ian and family to hear about Ann. She was a lovely, funny and kind lady. A great character - and I will miss her and think of her often.
— Leonie
My sincere condolences to Lorraine Allison Ian on the sad loss of your mum Ann may she RIP
— Syl mc Cabe
Deepest sympathy Ali and family for your sad loss x Thinking of you all and your lovely Mum x
— Anita Earls
Sorry for ur loss may Ann rest in peace
— Ronnie & Lisa Healy
Really sorry to hear of the passing of Ann, she was a brilliant supporter and volunteer with Wayside Celtic over a long number of years, herself and June Nolan, a deadly duo, condolences to Allison, Loraine,Ian and all the McGrath family, may Ann rest in peace, Mick and Teresa Mason
— Mick Mason
Condolences to all at this sad time. RIP Ann
— Brid Morrissey Bluebird Care
So sorry to hear of Ann's passing such a lovely woman thinking of her family at this heartbreaking time sleep well with the angels Ann 💔
— Michelle Walker Bluebird care
The committee and volunteers of Wicklow Meals on Wheels offer our deepest sympathies to the family of Mrs McGrath on her death RIP. She was a lovely lady and always so nice to us when we called. May her gentle soul rest in peace.
— Wicklow Meals on Wheels
Sorry for your loss may Ann rest in peace our condolences to the family
— John and Sadie Howes
Thinking of you Allison, Loraine,Ian and all the McGrath family at this very sad time. Your Mum Ann was such a lovely woman and it was a pleasure to have known.I can see her and June sitting together again may she Rest in Peace
— Harry and Sandra Traynor and Family
Our thought and prayers are with the McGrath family at this very sad time.Ann was a great supporter and volunteer of our club for years looking after everyone with refreshments and we had some great celebrations in The Golden Ball.Thank you Ann for all you done for Wayside Celtic over the years .May you rest in Peace
— Wayside Celtic Fc Kilternan
Sorry to hear of ann passing .was a lovely woman may she rest in peace
— Julia kinsella carer wcs
So sorry to hear of Ann,s passing,a lovely woman and who was a trogan worker and a passionate fan of our club,great memories of great days of which Ann was a major part and contributor,RIP Ann and tk you. Peter and Hazel.
— Peter lennon Wayside celtic
Thinking of Ian, Allison and Lorraine at this very sad time. Ann was such a lovely woman and it was a pleasure to have known her. May Ann rest in peace.
— Pamela O Flaherty
So sorry that Ann has passed. Sending love to the family. It was a pleasure to care for her over the last few years. I will miss her. May her gentle soul rest in peace
— Susan Kay
My Heartfelt Sincere Condolences to Ian, Lorraine, Allison and the extended Family on the sad passing of Ann.

Ann, may you Rest in Perfect Peace.
I will miss you and never forget you xx
— Bernie
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