Aonghus Ó Lochlainn

Condolence Book for

Aonghus Ó Lochlainn

Limerick / Dublin / Galway / Cork

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Very sorry to hear this. Sincere condolences to Ruairi and the O'Lochlainn Family . Incredible memories of great times in UCC, Dublin, Clare, Galway,Kilkenny and the Spanish diamond. Never a dull moment when Aonghus was around. Always engaged in life and never ever boring. Great communicator too and could explain anything no matter how complicated and make it understandable. Always in tune with the music too whether it be Trad in Feakle and Milltown or the Cobblestone or flamenco in Granada
or Rockabilly in Dublin . Aonghus will be sorely missed as he was one of a kind and lived life in an individual and free manner. Holding the sceach over my head in Oz for his soul.
— Peter and Imelda and Kids
My sincere sympathies on the loss of Aonghus.
— Kieran O'Donnell TD
Dearest Nancy, Ruairi, Padraig and Mac Dara, words cannot convey how sad and shocked I am to learn of the untimely and sudden death of Aonghus. Reading through the condolences, makes me even sadder that I had not spent time in recent years getting to know Aonghus. I would have enjoyed and benefited from his sharp mind, dry wit, and broad interests. The repetitive description by his colleagues describing his outstanding quality as a Gentleman, does not surprise me, but it is most impressive. I cannot imagine your grief dear Nancy, but his memory will in time ease the pain, and "your boys" will continue to be your consolation and companions. May he now in the great beyond enjoy many long conversations with his dad Paddy, and his large retinue of O'Loughlin gentlemen who are gone before
him and now welcome him to his everlasting home. Rest in Peace Dear Aongus.
— Roisin O'Loughlin. Ennis
My condolences to Ruairí and the rest of the family. I was very saddened to hear this news. Aonghus joined Dell EMC shortly before I did and was incredibly helpful in showing me the ropes. He was always great company at lunch in the canteen and on our team outings in Cork and beyond. Suaimhneas síorái dó.
— Aighne Kearney
Remembering Aonghus and his family and friends at Mass on Tuesday, 28th May, 2024. Ar dheis De go raibh a anam uasal
— Fr. Joseph McVeigh
Sending my sincerest condolences to the O'Lochlainn family for your sudden loss. Aonghus was such a wonderful person. I feel fortunate to have known him and especially blessed to have had him on my team at Dell EMC. He was a wonderful colleague, well-liked and respected by all. May he rest in peace.
— Joe Paradise
Sincere condolences to the O’Lochlainn family on the passing of Aonghus. In our work time together in Johnson Controls, Aonghus was always a friendly and affable gentleman. May he rest in peace.
— Diarmuid Hayes, Clonakilty.
So sad to hear this news. Condolences to the Ó'Lochlainn family. May Aonghus rest in peace.
— Aisling O Mahony Dell/EMC
Heartfelt condolences to Nancy, Padraig, Ruairí, MacDara, Betty, Patricia and to all of Aonghus’ family and friends. As a colleague and teammate, Aonghus was witty, kind, and knowledgeable, and he gave freely and generously of his expertise. He could always be relied upon for an insightful observation and was never short of a fascinating and amusing anecdote. Aonghus was a gentleman, and he will be greatly missed among his colleagues and friends here in JCI Cork.
— Jack Murphy, Johnson Controls.
Sincere Condolences to Ruairi and all of Aonghus's family.

I think I first met Aonghus at the Feakle Music Festival or it may have been the Willie Clancy, many years ago. When he moved to Tramore he would join us most Saturday nights in the pub, entertaining us with his often contrarian and witty outlook on life. Suffice to say we still talk about him and the craic we had.

Rest in peace Aonghus, and may we meet again.
— Christopher Mc Cann, Tramore
Deepest sympathy to Nancy and family. May Aonghus rest in peace.
— Chris & Margaret Doherty
Sincere Condolences to Ruairi and the O’Lochlainn family on the passing of Aonghus. May he Rest in Peace.
— Tom Corroon
Aonghus was a lovely man and a great colleague in JCI who was always generous with his time and knowledge. Condolences to his family and friends on their sad loss. May he rest in peace.
— Nicola Mulrey
Deepest sympathy to all the family. May he rest in peace.
Sean & Carol O’Malley
— Sean & Carol O’Malley
He was such a lovely fella and we had some great chats in work over the years about travels and music!.. Sending my deepest condolences to all his family. RIP Aongus.
— Yvonne Dorney
Nancy, Padraig, Ruairí and Dara. Please accept our deepest sympathies on the passing of Aonghus. May he Rest In Peace. Our thoughts any prayers are with you all during this sad time.
— The Deere Family
I was very sorry to hear of Aonghus's passing last week. We worked together at Dell for a couple of years, and also hung out socially in a small group in Cork during his time here. We had a lovely trip to Connemara with Aonghus and Ruairi to see the area where the family was from and later a trip to Ardmore and thereabouts for another engaging and enjoyable day. Aonghus was super smart, a great storyteller, and a decent human being. He will be missed by me and many others.
— Colleen Jones
Sincere condolences to the Ó Lochlainn family from Aonghus’s former Dell colleagues. We enjoyed the banter with Aonghus while talking about politics or sports at lunch. He was intelligent and witty and loved debating any topic with our group. Some of us socialised with Aonghus outside of work, including poetry nights in a local Cork pub and day-trips to Connemara and Waterford. Aonghus shared his many interests and made friends during his time at Dell and afterwards. He'll be sadly missed.
— Dell colleagues in Cork
Our deepest sympathies to Nancy, Ruairi, Paudie and Dara on the sudden loss of your son and brother, Ger and Liz Frawley and family.
— Ger and Liz Frawley
Sincere condolances to the Ó'Lochlainn family and Aonghus' friends at this incredibly sad time. I shared many's the lunch in EMC with Aonghus, and he was incredibly witty, upbeat and interesting.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam...
— Deborah Ross-Reidy
Sincere Condolences to Ruairi and all of Aonghus's family. I am so sorry for your loss. We were friends in UCC and Dublin. May he rest in Peace.
— Maura Duggan.
Deepest condolences to all the family at the tragic loss of Aonghus.
May he rest in peace

Corrina (Eason)
— Corrina Hanley
My deepest condolonces to the Ó Lochlainn family on your loss.

I worked with Aonghus in Galway for a few years around 2010. He was always friendly with a smile on his face and very interesting to chat to with a wide range of knowledge.

I met up with him again a few years later in Cork for dinner and he was still the same upbeat, witty, lovely character.

Rest in peace Aonghus and my hope is that we will meet up again.
— Dave Anthony
Dear Nancy and family, I was very sorry to hear of Aonghus's passing. My mother Mary (O'Loughlin) always spoke so fondly of Aonghus, his intellect and many talents. Tá sé in ár gcroíthe go deo.
— Darren Connolly
Heartfelt sympathies Nancy, Padraig, Ruairí and MacDara on the passing of Aonghus. Ar dheis dé go raibh a hanam dílis. X
— Noreen OLoughlin
RIP Aonghus - So Sorry Ruairi and family to hear of the sad passing of a Muched Loved Son and Brother. John
— John, Angela and the Whelan Family Waterford/Tuamgraney
Sincere Condolences to all the family. So sorry for your loss. May he rest in Peace. Xx
— Lorraine Naughton & Quigley Family, Coventry, England..
Deepest sympathy to MacDara and the O'Lochlainn family on the untimely passing of Aonghus.
You are in my thoughts and prayers at this very sad time.
— Peter Murray
Our deepest sympathy to Nancy, Padraig, Ruairì and Macdara on the passing of your beautiful son, brother Aonghus. Such a lovely character, we would catch up over a pint in our local , have a natter from the latest band, concert we were at, or the latest travels/interests..Such a witty, genuine and funny character,.Shocking to think you have passed..The light of heaven to you Aonghus.🙏 Thinking of you and all your family at this very difficult time.. Garry, Siobhàn, Aileen O' Brien-Pennywell..
— O' Brien family
My sincere and deepest condolences to Mrs Ó Lochlainn, Ruairí, Padraig and Dara. Aonghus was my Dad’s best friend and became a friend of my own over the last 10+ years. Aonghus was witty, clever, interesting and, most importantly, friendly and empathetic. He always had a great story to tell and made an impression on everyone he met. He was a through and through gentleman and will be missed by many, very much including myself.
I gcónaí linn.
— Aisling Creed, Wexford
To Nancy and family our deepest condolences on the sudden death of Aonghus. May he rest in peace.
— Danny/Peggy Garry Ballybricken.
Deepest condolences to Nancy, Padraig, Ruairi, Dara and extended family on your huge loss. Thinking of you all during this very sad time. May Aonghus rest in peace xx
— Rachel & Noel Sharpe
Our sincere sympathies to Ruairí, Nancy, Padraig, MacDara and all the family.
It was always a pleasure to spend time with Aonghus, a family friend and a great storyteller with a distinctive voice. We really enjoyed his occasional visits to Berlin.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
— Kathleen Creed and Philipp Goeltenboth, Berlin
My sincere sympathy to Nancy and boys on the sudden and sad passing of Aonghus. May he rest in peace.
— Eoin McGrath
So sorry Nancy to hear of the death of your son Aonghus. My sympathy to you and your family. May he rest in peace.
— Bridie O'Sullivan
Condolences to Noelle, the O' Lochlainn & Hickey families on the sudden passing of Aonghus. May his gentle soul rest in peace.
— Pauline
To Nancy, Padraig, Ruairi and Dara condolences on your son and brother you will sorely missed by all Aonghus my cousin and godfather. May you rest in peace. Orlagh 💔
— Anthony and Orlagh Murphy Herbertstown
Our deepest sympathy go out to the family of Aonghus, on his untimely passing. He was a gent to those he worked with and he will be sadly missed in JCI.
May he Rest in Peace
— Noel Cregan - Johnson Controls
Aonghus, will you pitch the tent, usual place. I’ll see you up there later.

— Rua
Sincere condolences to Ruairi & family on sad and untimely passing of Aonghus. Aonghus was a very original and witty guy always with something interesting to say. May he rest in peace.
— Padraig Creed
My deepest condolences to Nancy and boys, to Betty and family and all the extended O’Lochlainn and Quigley family on the very sad passing of Aonghus. May our Lord and his holy Mother comfort and console you in the days and months ahead. May Aonghus rest in eternal peace.
— Mary Sheehan, Herbertstown
Aonghus was a work colleague at JCI, a great asset to our team. We had a common interest in motorcycles and had some interesting chats on the subject. We all feel the loss and sympathise deeply with Nancy, Padraig, Ruairí, MacDara & the extended family.
— Mike Truss
Sincere sympathy to Nancy and family on the death of Aonghus. May Aonghus rest in peace. Gabrielle Schmitt.
— Gabrielle Schmitt, Florida
Our sincere sympathy to Sinead , Patricia , the Quigley family in Galway and to all of Aonghus’s extended family and relatives
Mary Thornton & staff
— Mary Thornton
Sincere condolences to Rurairi and family at this sad time. Only spoke with Aonghus a few when he resided in Tramore. He struck me as a man who had plenty of adventures and stories to tell. May he rest in peace.
— John & Mags Buckley
Deepest condolences to Nancy and all of Aonghus’ family and friends.
May he Rest in Peace
— Olive O Sullivan ( Murphy)
Sincere condolences to the O' Lochlainn & Hickey families on the passing of Aonghus. Thinking of you all at this sad time. May he rest in peace.
— K Cleary NY
My sincere sympathy to the O' Lochlainn & Hickey Families on the sudden passing of Aonghus. May he rest now with the angles in heaven.
— William Ryan Clonlara & Germany
Sincere sympathy to the O Lochlainn & Hickey Family on the sudden sad passing of Aonghus. He was a true gentleman. May he rest in peace
— Friend
I worked with Aonghus in Galway. We all thought he was a gentleman. He was great for a story and would always stop if you met him anywhere and tell you about his latest adventure.
There were lots of messages on the old Lumension group chat when we heard, all saying the same...a lovely, genuine fella who had time for everyone.
Sincere condolences to the family and may Aonghus rest in eternal peace.
— Colm Lohan
We were classmates in UCC. Aonghus was great fun but also very principled. They were wonderful times. Deepest sympathy on your loss.
— Pat Moriarty
Deepest Sympathies to the O Lochlainn Family on the passing of Aonghus.
May he rest in peace.
— The Killeen Family
Our sympathy to Nancy and all the family, including the Hickey family, on the sad passing of Aonghus, may you be comforted by your memories. Rest in peace Aonghus.
— Anne & Tom, Sydney
Dearest Nancy and the boys, we were so sad with the news of Aonghus’ untimely passing. What a loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the extended family. May he rest in peace.
— Connolly Family , Ennis
Dearest Nancy and family, sending deepest sympathy on the passing of Aonghus, I know a much loved brother and son. May he rest in peace now.
— Cormac Connolly
Sincere Sympathy to the O Loughlin and Leahy family on your sad loss . May Aonghus rest in peace .
— Paul and Kate O Sullivan Herbertstown
Sincere condolences to Nancy, Padraig, Ruairí and MacDara. Aonghus was the most clever and witty person I've met in a lifetime. I have fond memories of our time as classmates in U.C.C.
— Raphael Haverty
Dearest Nancy, Padraig, Ruairi and Dara. I was so saddened and shocked to hear your beloved Aonghus had passed. Sending you all my love at this very hard time xxx
— Ann Cummins
Condolences to the Ó'Lochlainn family. Aonghus was a lovely and helpful man and a joy to chat with. It was always a pleasure to be in his company. May he rest in peace.
— Ciara Condon (JCI)
Our Sincere condolences to our beloved
Nancy,Ruairí,Paudie & Dara on the loss of your wonderful Son & Brother Aonghus.
Sympathy also to Aonghus extended family members . We were shocked and saddened to learn of his death .
May Aonghus good soul rest in peace .
— John & Bridget Cummins & Family
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