Bernadette Moore

Condolence Book for

Bernadette Moore
(née Kelly)

Ballinteer, Dublin / Borrisokane, Tipperary

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Comhbhrón ó chroí libh a Dave agus Caitríona, led' dheartháireacha agus led' dheirfiúr agus leis an teaghlach ar fad ar bhás do mháthar. Is uaigneach an t-am é seo daoibh go léir, suaimhneas síoraí go raibh aici. Beidh sibh inár gcuimhní.
— Páidí & Karen Ó Lionáird
Comhbhrón ó chroí leat Dave ar bhás do mháthair.

Suaimhneas síoraí lena hanam uasal.
— Gearóidín Ní Ghionnáin
Deepest of sympathy to you and all the Family on the sad passing of your Mother Bernadette and for your great loss.
Edmund,Maeve & Peter Williams
— Edmund Williams
Comhbhrón ó chroí le Dave agus an chlann uilig. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.
— Úna Ní Churraoin
A very kind woman. Bernie will be greatly missed. Many happy memories from my childhood and through the years.
May she rest in peace.
— Martin Kelly
Comhbhrón ó chroí le Dave, Caitríona, Béibhinn & Aisling agus an clann uilig. Suaimhneas síoraí dá h-anam uasal.
— Sinéad Ní Chadhain
Sincere condolences to Seamus, Marie, David and Andrew on the passing of your mother, Bernie.
— Margaret Branigan
Sincere sympathy to all on Bernie’s sad passing.
May her soul rest in peace
— John and Marie Moore
Dave, we are very sorry to hear of the passing of your mum. Our thoughts & prayers are with you, Catriona, Aisling & Béibhinn & all members of your family. May she Rest In Peace.
— Derek & Regina Curran, Furbo
Comhbhrón ó chroí le Dave agus an clann uilig. Suaimhneas síoraí dá h-anam uasal 🙏
— Lís Ní Dhálaigh
Dave we were so sorry to hear of your mums passing. Thinking of you, Catriona, Aisling, Beibhinn & all of the extended Moore family at this time X
— Aisling & Greg, Furbo
Comhbhrón ó chroí leat fhéin agus do chlann Dave. Suaimhneas síoraí go anam do mháthair. Tabhair Aire dhaoibh fhéin.
— Lorraine Ní Chuanaigh
Deepest sympathy to the Moore family on Bernie's passing. She was a lovely woman. May she rest in Peace. Pat and Maria Power.
— Pat and Maria Power
Dave and family, so sorry to hear of your Mam’s passing. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.
— Órla Downes
Comhbhrón ó chroí leat Dave ar bhás do mháthair. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.
— Seán Ó Domhnaill
Seamus,Andrew,David, Marie ,
Please accept my heartfelt condolences. I am very sorry to hear that your mother has passed away and I would like to share with you all at this difficult time with your family.Bernie was a wonderful, kind and caring woman. May her soul rest in peace. Please take care all of you.
Love, Vasant .
— Vasant Kale
Dear Seamus, Marie, David & Andrew and all your families
Deepest sympathies on the passing of your lovely mother, Auntie Bernie. May she rest in peace.
— Tanji, Jamie, Jaya & Helena Kale/VA
Sincere condolences on the sad passing of Auntie Bernie. May her gentle soul rest in peace
— Johanna and William Donohue Portumna
Sincere condolences Dave, Caitríona, Aisling and Béibhinn and all of Bernadette's family on her sad passing. Suaimhneas síoraí dá h-anam uasal.
— Vicky and Pat, Liopa
Heartfelt condolences to the Moore family and siblings on the passing over on their dearly departed mother / sibling.

May she rest in eternal peace.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a h-anam uasal i measc na Naomh🙏
— Kevin Kelly. An Trá Bháin, Leitir Móir.
Comhbhrón ó chroí leat Dave ar bhás do Mháthair. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.
— Bridie &Tommy Berry
Sincere sympathy to Seamus, Marie, David and Andrew on the loss of your beloved mother. So many treasured memories of our times in
Croydon and Kilmore. Rest in peace Bernie
— Mae Moore
Our thoughts are with you all at this very sad time. May the lovely Auntie Bernie rest now in peace.
— Rose, Steve, Grace & Eve
May you and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

— Louise Mallott
Comhbhrón ó chroí leat Dave agus leis an clann ar fad. Ag smaoineamh oraibh uilig ag an am fíor brónach seo. Suaimhneas síoraí dá h’anam dílis.
— Aoileann Ní Loingsigh & Thomas Breathnach
Comhbhrón ó chroí leat Dave , Seamus, Andrew, Marie , Caitríona, Bébhinn , Aisling ar bhás bhur Máthair & Mamó álainn. Suaimhneas agus sonas do Bhernadette le chéile arís le Walter ar neamh.
— Máire Aoibhinn Ní Ógáin
Comhbhrón ó chroí leat Dave agus leis an gclann ar fad ar bhás do mháthar. Suaimhneas síoraí dá hanam.
— Noirín Ní Chonghaile & Colm Mac Séalaigh
Dear Seamus, Marie, Dave and Andrew my sincere condolences on passing of your mother and to all her the extended family. Thinking of you all. RIP Bernadette.
— Melina Fenelon
Sincere sympathy to all the moore family on the sad passing of bernie, may she rest in peace.
— Marie and tony Cleary
Deepest sympathy to bernie s family,have some great memories, may she rest in peace.
— Rita sheil
Sincere sympathy to all of Bernie’s family. We have such warm memories of Wallie and Bernie coming to Kilmore.
— Kathleen and Tom White
Sympathy to all the family on the death of Bernie. May she rest in peace.
— Sr. Rosaleen Sheil
Comhbhrón ó chroí leat Dave ar bhás do Mháthair. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.
— JoAnne Ní Dhomhnaill
My sincere condolences to the Moore and Kelly families and to all who mourn for Bernadette.

May her soul rest in eternal peace.
— Michael Lowry TD, Tipperary
Sincere sympathy Jim to you and your family on the death of your Mum. May she rest in peace
— John and Gabrielle Higgins
Our deepest condolence to the Moore family,
May Aunt Bernadette rest in peace.
— Dermot and Flavia Kelly
Sincere condolences to all on the passing of dear Bernie. May her gentle soul rest in peace.
— Jim & Lucy
Sincere sympathy to the Moore and Kelly families on the sad passing of Bernadette. May her gentle soul rest in peace.
— Jackie Cahill TD
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