Bernard Keane

Condolence Book for

Bernard Keane

Newcastle, Wicklow

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With heavy hearts he will he truly missed with his extended family from America.
— Papia family
Sincere condolences to all the family R.I.P
— John Breen
Sorry to hear of the passing of Berni.
Deepest sympathy to all the family. RIP
— Tony Cosgrave
So sorry to hear about Bernie . Thinking of you all at this sad time. May he R. I. P
— Geraldine Harmon
A beautiful person
RIP bernie
— Elaine and Ellen Gregory
So sorry to hear about Bernies death. Condolences to all the family.
— May and Sandra Grant
Sincere sympathy to Karen an family ,,, so sad to hear ,,, such a lovely man ,,, may he RIP
— Kate Hayden
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