Condolence Book for


Rathfarnham, Dublin

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Deepest sympathy to Tom and all the Morrissey family on Bosco’s passing. I always enjoyed chatting to him when we met at rugby matches over many years.
— Declan Downs
Sincere condolences to all the Morrissey family.

May Bosco rest in peace.
— Michael McNaughton, President, GRFC
My deepest condolences to you and all your family, Rob, may your Dad rest peace. Take care, Ros
— Roslyn O'Shaughnessy, Alexion AstraZeneca
Bosco was the most inspirational rugby coach I ever had. He ran us up castleknock hill RELENTLESSLY. He pushed us to the limit in the most encouraging way. He moulded boys into strong balanced men.
Choosing Bosco Was the best decision that castleknock college ever made.
I have no doubt he was as good a father.
Thank you for sharing him with us.
— Peter Hanlon castknock college 89 to 95
My sincere condolences on Bosco passing. Bosco was always a gentleman.
I was very sorry I couldn’t attend the funeral.


Noreen Hyland
— Noreen Hyland
We were so saddened to learn, only today, of Bosco's death. We will always remember him as a warm-hearted and generous friend, as will our children who loved being in his company.
— Peter & Carol Cunningham
To all the Morrissey family. So sad to hear of the death of Bosco, he was so good to me when I was up in dublin always looked after me and would always make me smile. I will miss him.
— Kate odonoghue (ballyvaughan and cork)
May i extend my deepest condolences to the Morrisey family, relatives friends and all in TCRFC on the very sad news of Bosco's death last Sunday - i got to know Bosco in the mid 70's when i first started referring -Ironically i was at Lakelands last Sunday morning watching my 5 yearly Grand Daughter play for Barnhall V Terenure -Bosco was a wonderful Gentleman and it was an honour and a privilege to have known him over so many years ,a wonderful ambassador for his club and school and the game he loved so much , His kindness, friendship and hospitality that he showed to a novice referee on my 1st visit to Lakelands was the 1st chapter of a wonderful rugby friendship , May his gentle soul fly high with the angels, Ar dheis De go raibh a anam RIP Bosco
— Paul Hickey DLSP and Ex LBIRFU Referee
Rob, so sorry to hear about the passing of your dear father. My thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time.
— Roisin Kelly
Thomas Martina & Gerard, my sincere condolences to you on Bosco’s passing. I always enjoyed his company. I lionta De go gcastar sinn
— Gar Hickie
Sincere condolences to Thomas and all the Morrissey family and extended families on the sad passing of Bosco. May he rest in peace.
— Pat and Dana Hayes
To Gerry and the Morrissey family. Please accept my condolences on the loss of Bosco. He was such a character. Always made everyone welcome to the Terenure Club. May he rest in peace.
— Barney Roche
Martina Thomas Gerry and all Bosco’s family
So sorry to hear of Bosco’s death, he will be missed. Beautiful mass and celebration of his life, may he rest peacefully.
— Susanne Coleman
To Gerry Martina and Thomas my sincere condolences!! What can I say " only one Bosco" They dont come like him anymore!
Great memories!!
— Brian Kennedy
Sincere condolences to all the Morrissey family. So many happy memories of chatting with Bosco, a true Terenure legend, very warm and generous, a great man and the beating heart of the club. May Bosco rest in peace.
— Ken Morgan, Poland
My sympathies to all of Bosco's family and to Martina,Thomas & Gerard. He was always in good form and I recall the fun we all had playing on Fortfield Drive while I was staying with my cousins the Muldowneys.
— Arthur Harvey, Bishopstown ,Cork and Glengarriff
Dearest Thomas Gerard Martina my heartfelt condolences on the sad passing of BOSCO. The Morrissey’s were a big part of our family. Thinking of you all. Collette, Sarah and Kevin RIP
— Collette McVeigh nee Flannery
Sincere condolences to Robert and Steven and all the Morrissey family. Bosco was a great friend to all our family with many fun times spent in Annestown and Clonmel. He will be sadly missed. Patrick, Katherine, Ethan, Lochlan and Lyra.
— Patrick Shee
When I joined Terenure RFC in 1999 Bosco went out of his way to make me feel welcome. He always greeted me with a smile, an arm around the shoulder and a ‘how are you pal?’ (that I always felt he meant). He was so supportive of the team, regardless of the result.

I have not been down to the club as much as I would have liked over the last few years, but when I have, I always enjoyed the same welcome from Bosco.

He has a special place in my memory as a friendly, supportive face when I joined a club as a bit of an outsider. Thank you Bosco and thank you to his family for sharing him with all of us! Take care old pal!

— Richie Governey
Rest in eternal peace Bosco -
— Michael Dunne
Sincere condolences to Thomas Gerard and all the Morrissey family on the sad passing of Bosco. He will be greatly missed around the Terenure community and rugby club for his big welcome and sense of fun . May he rest in peace 🙏
— Gerry Caffrey
UCD RFC would like to extend their condolences & sympathies to the family, friends & Terenure RFC on the passing of Bosco Morrissey.
Ar dheis Dè go raibh a anam.
My sympathies to all Bosco's family and friends on his death, especially to Martina, Thomas, and Gerard on the loss of your big brother. Your family was woven into our life in school, and then in Lakelands where your parents were ever-present at any cup match. To be loved by his own, and to be respected by all is his legacy. May his gentle soul be at peace.
— Brian Lamont
I would like to wish condolences from the Long family to the Morrissory family on the passing of Bosco He was a pure gentleman talking me under his wing from when I joined the club until his passing. He will be sadly missed as a friend. May he rest in peace.
— Mark Long
We are so sorry to hear of the death of Bosco. With deepest condolences to his sons Stephen and Robert, siblings Martina, Thomas and Gerard and extended family.
Karena, Kieran & family
— Karena Morton & Kieran O'Conor
Sincere sympathy to Tom and all the Morrissey family on the sad passing of a Terenure rugby legend.As a St.Marys man it is not easy to love Terenure but we made an exception for Bosco.May he Rest in Peace.
— Dave Ryan
My sincere condolences to Stephen Deirdre Amy and Danny and to all the Morrissey family on the passing of Bosco
May he rest in peace
— Mary Scully Woodlawn Ballnasloe
My condolences to Thomas, Gerard and all the Morrissey family on your sad loss.
Bosco was such a part of the fabric of TCRFC. He will be missed by players and supporters alike. R.I.P.
— Vinny Kearns Wexford
My sincere condolences to Thomas and the Morrissey family on the sad passing of Bosco. He was one of the heroes of the College SCT of '64 and thereafter a great stalwart of club rugby.
Rest well Bosco.
— David Taggart
Sincere condolences to Boscos sons , Thomas his brother & siblings & extended family on the sad news of Bosco demise. He was always at the forefront of Terenure Rugby club, a smile ,a greeting to make us welcome.all the years & encouragement & praise when chatting to Tiarnán when he played for the 1st. You were a legend even your Mum Mary was too in the club so
now you are with your dear parents sharing many a great Nure story

Requiesce in Pace Bosco
— Michael Genevieve & sons Crónán & Tiarnan Creagh
Rest In Peace Bosco a Terenure Rugby Club legend and gentleman. I always enjoyed our chats in the clubhouse after games. A terrific man with a great sense of humour who will be sadly missed.
— Thomas Lyster
Since our paths first crossed in 1975 as captains of our respective clubs, we had several ‘humdingers’ of meetings, on and off the field of play, always memorable, and always the very best of craic.

Regrettably these meetings were way too infrequent in recent years due to the divergent fortunes of our clubs, but the enjoyment, if anything, was enhanced whenever we did.

One of life’s great characters who gave so much to others, without even realising it, and to whom we should all be grateful.

Sincere condolences to Thomas, Gerard, and all the family, and to his colleagues in TCRFC.

‘The richer for your presence, the poorer for your passing; mile buiochas, Bosco.
— Jim Glennon, Skerries RFC
Bosco buddy ; you’ll be sadly missed in the Club.
Deepest condolences to the Morrisey family and friends.
God’s speed Bosco ✨
— Ian Fitzmaurice
Sincere condolences to all the Morrissey family, especially Stephen & Rob, Thomas, Martina and Gerald. I shared my rugby life with Bosco on and off the pitch for the past 50 years. A unique personality who welcomed strangers like friends and friends with the familiar greeting "Howya Scout?"

Bosco made a unique contribution to life in Terenure, in the Club and the broader Community. We will miss him, but never forget him.

Rest in peace Scout!
— Des & Peelo Lamont & Andy, Hugo & Ian
Saddened to hear of the passing of Bosco. Sincere condolences to the Morrissey family.Bosco was a great player and a great ambassador for our club. May he rest in peace.
— Tim Duggan
Sincere condolences to Thomas and Gerard on the passing of Bosco.R.I.P. Also the rest of the family.A real gentleman and great company in the Terenure clubhouse after a game.
— Bernard Molloy
Sincere condolences to Rob, Claire and the extended families. May he rest in peace.
— Noel and Siobhan Murphy
Bosco was Terenure to his bootlaces. My condolences to Thomas and Gerry and the Morrissey family. He will be missed but will always be remembered.Sleep well Bosco.
— Dave Merren
To Thomas, Eleanor and all the family, May Bosco Rest in Peace.
— John and Fedelma O'Brien
Deepest sympathy to Stephen and Deirdre and all the Morrissey Family on the passing of Bosco May He rest in peace
— Thomas Margaret Mark and Brian Lohan Kilconnell
Bosco welcomed us with open arms and was so kind to us as new neighbours. We are so sad he has passed away. Condolences to the many who will miss him.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
— David and Florence, No. 15
Deepest sympathies to Rob and Claire, and all of Bosco's family. May he rest in peace.
— Karen and Colm Conlon
So sad to hear about the passing of Bosco. We had some fantastic chats over my time in the Nure family and a drink or two.My condolences to his family at this sad time.
R.i.p Bosco
— Colm Boland & Family
My sympathy is extended to Bosco’s family on their loss.
He will be missed by us all.
— Camillus Muldowney
To all the Morrissey family.
I am sorry I can't be with you today for Bosco's funeral. My deepest condolences.
Susan Morton
— Susan Morton
Ah my friend Bosco, gone to our maker. I knew you would get there first because you were always first. Every time we played against each other we had such craic. You see, you were born 4 yards offside, even the midwife missed you. I used to shout,”you’re bloody offside pal” and you were quickly back with “excuse me, I am most certainly not”. And I’d say, “then why the hell are you standing beside me when the ball hasn’t come out yet”? Terenure has lost a legend of the club. Bosco will be so greatly missed at the club that he gave his life to.
Our condolences go to his family at this most sad time.
He was a far better player than he realised himself. He was so full of fun. A man on the rugby field. And a total and loved gentleman off the field.
Love. Mick & Liz Quinn (Lansdowne)
— Mick Quinn
Gerry and family, my deepest sympathy and condolences to you all on the death of Bosco.

May the love and happiness you shared be the ever lasting memories he has left behind for all of you to cherish.
— Mary Brennan
On behalf of all the SoftCo staff who dealt with Bosco every Tuesday and Friday on his deliveries we would like to offer our sincere condolences to Bosco's Family on his sad passing.
We all have fond memories of Bosco rocking up on a Friday afternoon with bags of jellies to help us get through the 3 o clock slump and we could look forward to the weekend on a sugar high. He always had time for anyone who wanted to stop and have a chat and he kept us up to date with the daily news, sometimes he would park up and read the paper in our carpark before he set off home.
We are so sorry for your loss.
RIP Bosco we are going to miss you very much.
— Bernadette Martin (SoftCo)
Condolences to the Morrissey family on the passing of Bosco. Thinking of you all at this sad time. Sylvia
— Sylvia Wright
So sorry to hear of Bosco’s passing .
An inspirational figure throughout his life - we shall not see his like again .
RIP Bosco .
— Joe O’Neill
Sincere condolences to all the Morrissey family on the passing of Bosco. A true gentleman and a wonderful ambassador for Terenure RFC and for the game of rugby.
— Michael Croke CYM RFC
Deepest sympathy to the Morrissey family on Bosco’s sad passing. He was a true gentleman and always a joy to meet.May his gentle soul rest in peace.
— Dick Spring
So sorry to hear of the death of Bosco. My sincere sympathy to all his family. May he rest in peace
— Yvonne Glennon
Aw so sorry to hear of the Bosco's sad passing , we have many memories of his years in Mercury , Deepest Sympathy to Gerry and all the family xx, May he rest in Eternal Peace xx
— Sandra and Fred Lefebvre
My sympathies to all the Morrissey family at this sad time. Rest in Peace Bosco!
— Jerry Kelly
Sincere condolences to Stephen and all the Morrissey family. Rip Bosco
— Sarah Dillon
Condolences to all the Morrissey family in the loss of BOSCO, an unforgettable person. I’m not aware of any Terenure man who put so much into being a Terenure man. Back when we could not afford staff BOSCO was always available to serve pints and lock up the premises, sometimes quite late. Nice touch to see condolences from members of other clubs including his great adversary in Landsdowne Basher (Paddy) Boylan. Their rivalry on and off the pitch was a side show in itself. Safe Home Bosco. Peter and Margaret
— Peter Hegarty
Thomas, Martina and Gerry- my sincere condolences on Bosco's passing. He was a huge part of Terenure and the rugby club in particular- a true supporter through and through.
— Charlotte Cairns
Sincere sympathy to martina gerard and thomas on the death of Bosco R. I .P may his gental soul rest in peace.
— Matt Vaughan & Family Knocklyon Avenue
Condolences to all of the family. Bosco was unique, a great rugby man on and off the pitch. It was always a pleasure to be in his company. He will be greatly missed in Lakelands and in the wider rugby community.
— Mossie Walker
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