Br. Desmond Young

Condolence Book for

Br. Desmond Young

Dublin / Armagh / Derry / Tyrone

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I am deeply saddened to hear of Desmond’s passing. I met Desmond when he took his sabbatical year at Boston College. We became friends and spent time together wandering around Boston, talking theology and sharing about each other’s lives. He is one of the kindest people that I have ever met and he has the most beautiful and generous heart. He made my grad school experience more gentle and graceful. I hold a special place in my heart for him.

Another grad student and I visited Desmond in Dublin and he gave us the grand tour. We had a fun time. We’ve kept in contact all these years. I consider him a friend, who I will miss. I’m a better person because Desmond was in my life.

Condolences to his family, who he loved and cherished.
— Michele Boccia, New York
I've only heard the very sad news now. Sincere sympathies to all family especially Ciaran and Marie.
— Gerard Kearney
My sincere sympathy to the Christian Brothers and to the family on the death of Bro. Young. It was a pleasure to meet him when I visited my brother, Val, in St. Aidan's, Whitehall. May he rest in the Lord in happiness and peace
— Sr. Catherine Coffey, Galway.
My sincere sympathy to you Marie, Kieran, Sean, Vincent and the extended family. I have just heard from Brother Colm of Bro. Dessie’s unexpected passing. My Christmas card to him indicated that I was unaware of his death. His contribution over a lifetime to education and management of CBS Schools has been immense. Coming from a highly esteemed Omagh family, it was always expected that Dessie Young would make his mark and he chose the congregation of the Irish Christian Brothers to do it.
May he rest in peace. Go ndeanaigh Dia trocaire ar a anam uasal.
Danny Donnelly.
— Danny Donnelly Dublin( Omagh)
My sincere sympathy to the Christian Brothers Congregation and Br Dessies Family on his Passing. i knew him for some years in Emmaus and it was a pleasure to have the early morning words before the start of the day. An absolute gentleman. May he rest gently with our God.
— Anne Rogers Dublin
Brother Dessie was a kindly and generous soul who will be missed by many because of the quality of his presence.
— Brother Donal Leader cfc
Sincere Condolences to the family of Br. Dessie. I worked for a number of years at Emmaus where I met Dessie and have lovely memories of him may he rest in peace 🙏
— Niall Murray
Sincerest sympathy to all Dessie's family and friends at the passing of a gentleman whom I had the pleasure to work with at Emmaus Retreat Centre. May he rest now in his eternal home where he will be welcomed to new life and joy!
— Sr. Pat O'Malley
Please accept the condolences of the BOM, staff and students of St. Aidan's CBS, Whitehall, Dublin 9
— Ann Marie Dunne, Deputy Principal, St. Aidan's CBS
Sincere Condolences to the family of Br. Dessie. May his gently Soul rest in Eternal Peace.
— Ann Morgan
Sincere sympathy to the family and relatives of Br. Desmond.
May Br. Desmond rest in peace.
— Br. James Dormer - Limerick.
As one who lived for a number of years in community with Desmond, I knew him as a gentle, charitable and understanding Brother. He was a most caring community leader and was held in the highest esteem by all who knew him.

He bore his illness and its many inconveniences with great patience. Having been a keen sportsman in his younger days it was sad to see the limitations imposed on him by his illness which he bore with great patience supported by a deep prayerfulness and a calm disposition.

Beannacht Dé agus suaimhneas síorraí a anam uasal
— Br Michael Heffernan
Deepest condolences to the family of Br Dessie
— Susan Browne
My deepest sympathy to the Young family on the loss of Desmond. A great Christian Brother and teacher who made a major contribution to any school he worked in.A gentleman who was always prepared to assist when called upon. A Tyrone Gael first and foremost. Ar dheis lamh De go mbeidh a anam uasal.
— Leon O’Ceallaigh, Marino,Dublin.
My sincere condolences to all who mourn Dessie's passing. He was a dear friend and Brother for 70 years. Many times he drove me to and from the airport in the early hours, despite his indifferent health and after a night of mor cainnte! Leaba imeasc na Naomh go raibh aige.
— Brother Maurice Finn, Goa, India
My condolences to all Bro Youngs family. I was very lucky to call Bro Young my friend. From the first day we met in St Pats Armagh and in recent years via emails, he was in touch especially when Tyrone was going well. Forever a Tyrone man were ever he lived, the world has lost a gentleman who could light up any room. May he rest in peace. You will always be in my thoughts and prayers. Matt
— matt mc gleenan
My sympathy and prayers to Br. Dessie's family and to the Christian Brothers at this time of grear loss. I worked with Br. Dessie in Emmaus Retreat Centre and have great memories of his great kindness and support. Rest in peace, Dessie.
— Sr. Catherine Brennan
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