Catherine von Hildebrand

Condolence Book for

Catherine von Hildebrand

Ballagh, Tipperary / Dundrum, Dublin

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Sincere condolences to Maria, Ruairí and Brian on the recent death of your beloved mother, and to all her siblings around the world.
I remember Catherine as a lovely, kind woman who bore her terrible losses with amazing strength.
Suaimhneas síoraí go raibh aici.
— Angela Crean
So sorry to hear about the death of your mother, Ruairi. May she rest in peace.
— Tracey Crean
Comhbhrón ó chroí libh ar bhás bhur máthar agus comhbhrón lena muintir is lena cairde go léir.

Casadh Catherine orm nuair a d'fhreastail sí ar bhronnadh Dhuais Bhreandáin Uí Eithir san Ollscoil i nGaillimh. Bhí lá aoibhinn gealgháireach againn a mhaireann beo i mo chuimhne.

Go ndéana Dia grásta ar a hanam dílis agus gura móide teaghlach na Glóire a hanam.

"Paidrín páirteach i nGairdín Pharrthais,
Do mhac na mná a bhí gan locht,
A Aonmhic Mhuire is a Rí na nGrást,
Ná lig ar fán m'anam bocht."
— Lillis Ó Laoire
Our sincere sympathy and heartfelt condolences to Brian and all the OhEithir family at this sad parting.
— Mary & Alex
Sincere condolences to Brian and all the OhEithirs and von Hildebrands on the loss of Catherine. I remember her as greatly hospitable and kind to me in both Taney Road and Paris, not to mention a fabulous cook. May she rest in peace.
— Niamh Warde
To Brian and all the extended Ó hÉithir and von Hildebrand families, really sorry to hear of your mother passing. I met Catherine in Prague years ago and found her to be a lovely person. She was so interested in everybody she met. Best wishes to you all at this sad time. Johanna
— Johanna O' Shea
Catherine was an inspiration, full of great stories and life lessons. Combhrón ó croí, ní bheidh a leithead arís ann
— Niamh Cotter
Ruairí, we were all saddened to hear of your Mother's passing. You and all your extended family are in our thoughts at this time.
— Ruth, Anna and Caroline.
Comhbhrón ó chroí le Clann Uí Eithir ar fad. Sean-chuimhní ar Chatherine, Breandán agus an gang óg i gCasla agus ar an gCeathrú Rua san am atá caite. Ní maith linn bhur dtrioblóid.
— Tomás agus Mairéad Mac Con Iomaire
Thinking of you and your family at this time, Brian.

Sending best wishes to you all at a really difficult time.

Orna Mc Donald (Colm Dunne's niece) xxx
— Orna Mc Donald
Dear Catherine, Padraic, Colm, Iain, all the O Heither and von Hildebrand Families. Sincere sympathies on the passing of your mother in law and Grandmother. May she rest in peace and be reunited with all her loved ones. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this sad time.
— Robert and Brid Dempsey, Dublin
Sincere condolences to the Ó hEithir family on the death of Catherine. She and her late husband Breandán were great friends of the late Proinsias Mac Aonghusa and our family, particularly back in the days of Féach and other programmes. May she rest in peace.
Catherine McGuinness, Caitríona, Donal and Diarmaid Mac Aonghusa
— The Mac Aonghusa family
Ruairí so sorry to hear about the loss of your Mother.My sincere condolences to you and yours.
— Dan O'Carroll
Very sad to hear of Catherine’s passing. She was an indomitable spirit showing amazing resilience in
dealing with the various losses and
setbacks that she encountered in her interesting and diverse life.
Having spent most of her life living in
large cities the places she really loved were small and local like the
Aran Islands and Ballagh!
— Michael Ryan
Catherine was a part of my life since she came to Ireland at around 18 - I remember the excitement of her room being repapered for her arrival. Her death leaves me with a great sense of loss, she was so much part of our lives, as she was of the lives of so many others.
I greatly regret I will not be there to celebrate her funeral with all her friends and family, but tomorrow specially you will all be much in my thoughts. My love to you all.
— Alma Clissmann
Comhbhrón ó chroí libh ar bhás bhur máthar, Catherine. Suaimhneas síoraí go raibh aici.
— Áine, Deirdre agus Siobhán Nic Mhurchú
Sincere sympathy Brian on the loss of your mam-may she rest in peace. Thinking of you and your siblings at this sad time.
Sinéad McDonald(Dunne)
— Sinéad Mc Donald
Sincere sympathy to Catherine, Padraic, Colm and Iain on the death of Catherine. May she rest in peace 🙏
— Con and Noirin Kiely and family
Sincere sympathy to Catherine Paraic Colm Iain and extended family on the passing of your Mother in law and grandmother, May Catherine rest in peace.
— Sean and Margaret Healy nee Kiely Carrigaline Co Cork
We would like to express our condolences at the loss of Catherine and wish the best to all her children and family and friends at this sad time Mary Jude, Eamonn and Josephine Ryan Murphy
— Mary Jude Ryan and family
Sincere sympathy to the Hildebrand and O heithir
Families on the sad passing of Catherine
My late mother Eileen Brennan of Cappamurra was
a good friend of Catherine's
When she came to live in Ballagh and often shared a drink and chat with her at Mary Gleesons Bar.
May she rest in peace .
— James Brennan
Comhbhrón ó chroí le muintir Chatherine ar ócáid seo a báis. Is cuimhin liom go maith nuair a thagadh sí go S.N. Chnoc a' Bhile le haghaidh ceachtanna Fraincíse. Bhí sí riamh oilte is cineálta linn uile.
Suaimhneas síoraí dá hanam uasal.
— Daniel Morrissey
Sincere condolences to Catherine’s family and friends. I appreciated her interest in and support of Ballagh NS . It’s been quite a while since I met her but I remember her for her friendliness and enthusiasm.
May she rest in peace.
— Mary Glasheen
Sincere condolences to all the family on the passing of Catherine. May she rest in peace.
— Francis & Marion Ryan
Sincere condolences to all the family on the passing of your mother. May she rest in peace.
— David Crowley (Kilkenny)
Catherine, Pádraic, Colm & Iain. I’m so incredibly sorry to hear of the passing of your wonderful Mother in law and grandmother. She was such a fascinating lady, I’ll always remember the barbecues in Ballagh very fondly. My condolences to all her family and friends. May she rest in peace.
— Denise Kiely & Family
Comhbhrón ó chroi chuig Ruairí,Brian agus Maria ar bhás bhur máthair.Sólás na bhFlaitheas do Chatherine.
— Máirtin S Ó Conghaile
Very sad to hear of Catherine leaving us. We absolutely loved the times that she spent here with us. Interesting, fascinating, intriguing, entertaining, she was all of these and more.
We will miss you Catherine!
— Síghle and Máirtín, Inis Mór.
Comhbhrón ò chroí libh, Ruairí, Brian agus Maria, ar bhás bhur máthar Catherine. Suaimhneas síoraí go raibh aici.
— Colm Mac Séalaigh agus Nóirín Ní Chonghaile
Sincere condolences to Catherine's family and to all of her many friends. I worked with her for a brief period in Paris during the mid 80s and was also privileged to know her husband Brendán. What a wonderful person she was - a vivacious storyteller and despite her tribulations always wore that beautiful smile. She is the only person, apart from my mother, who ever baked me a sponge cake. That was a lovely evening in her homely Paris apartment. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
— Rosena Horan
Sincere condolences to all Catherine’s family and friends on her passing. May she R.I.P
— Kathleen Mooney, Ballinhassig.
Sincere sympathy to Catherine's family on her passing. May she rest in peace.
— Residents of Acorn Lodge
Comhbhrón ó chroí do Ruairí, Brian agus an clann uilig ó Adrienne agus mé féin. Deireadh le saol suntasach agus iomlán. Bhí Catherine lách agus fáiltiúil i gcónaí. Ionspioráid dúinn uilig. Suaimhneas síoraí di.
— Seosamh Ó Coigligh
Comhbhrón ó chroí le clann agus le cairde Chatherine. Ní maith liom bhur dtrioblóid. Suaimhneas síorraí do Chatherine.
— Máirín Mac Góráin
Our deepest sympathy to Maria, Ruairi, Brian and the extended Von Hildebrand and Ó hEithir families.
From Séamus and Anita Martin, Ruth Martin in Dublin and Deirdre Ní Mháirtín in Cork.
Suaimhneas Síorraí do Catherine dílis.
— Séamus Martin
Great gardener and regular customer. We will miss you dearly.
Staff & Management
— Dundrum Nurseries Ltd of Dundrum, Co Tipperary
What a woman, kind and gentle.
May she rest in peace!
— Josie Alley
Deinim comhbhrón le muintir Catherine -- bean ar leith. Suaimhneas síorrai go raibh aici.
— Donnchadh O Duibhir Dun na Sciath
My sincere Sympathy to Catherine's Family on her sad passing she was a lovely lady. May she RIP
— Margaret Hickey Rossmore
Our sincere sympathy to Maria, Brian, Ruairi, family and many friends on the passing of Catherine. Catherine was a fascinating woman.
— Joyce and Leslie Scott, Ballagh
So sorry to hear this news. My deepest condolences to Catherine’s family. I have fond memories of her time as a student at St Patrick’s College Thurles. Catherine was an endlessly fascinating lady, whose life’s experience could fill several books. I enjoyed her company immensely.
I leaba na naomh go raibh sí. Solas na bhFlaitheas di.
— Salvador Ryan
Suaimhneas síoraí go raibh aici. Comhbhrón lena clann, lena muintir agus lena cairde.
— Mártan Ó Ciardha
Sincere condolences to Catherine's friends and family. She was a lovely and fascinating lady. I was lucky enough to have private French lessons with her in my teenage years and she transmitted her love for the language and for Paris with great finesse.
Dors bien, chère Catherine.
— Stephen Ryan, France (formerly Ballagh)
Dear Catherine, a shooting star. I could listen to you forever. A very brave patient. Rest easy now.
Mary Mac.
— Mary Macnamara
Comhbhrón ó chroí libh & suaimhneas síoraí do Chatherine.
— Barbara Mac Con Iomaire & an chlann
My sincere sympathy to Maria, Ruairi and Brian on the passing of your mother. Catherine always welcomed me and members of my family to her homes starting in Dublin in 1974 and more recently in Ballagh. She was such a delightful friend. May good memories sustain all of you. And may she rest in peace.
— Ronnie Malone
Comhbhrón ó chroí do chlann Uí hEithir ar mbás bhur máthair Catherine ó muintir de Fréine. Suaimhneas síoraí dá hanam dílis agus uasal. Leaba í measc na Naomh aici!
— Tiarnan de Fréine
My condolences to the von Hildebrand family, to Catherine's many friends, to the residents and staff of Acorn Lodge Nursing Home and to all who mourn her passing.

May her soul rest in eternal peace.
— Michael Lowry TD
My Sincere Condolences.
— Carla Clissmann
Sincere sympathy to you Ruairi .Brian. Maria and extended family on the loss of your Mam .May she RIP.
— Josie Dwyer
My sincere sympathies to you all on your loss. Anyone who ever met Catherine will remember her as a remarkable person with great strength. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.
— Clíona Ó Gallchoir
I was very sad to hear of Catherine's passing. She was a wonderful person and was a big part of my childhood as she lived next door to our family for many years in Taney Road. Mairin was my best friend growing up. We always had such great laughs with her over the years and she was such a good-humoured person notwithstanding all her many trials. My thoughts and prayers are with you Ruairi, Brian and Maria. Sending you a big hug from Rome.
— Susan Cross
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