Charlie Mc Gillian

Condolence Book for

Charlie Mc Gillian

58 Bridge Street, Strabane, Tyrone, BT82 8EU

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We’re so sorry for your loss. Sending love and strength from afar.

The Gombas Family x
— Michaela, Andy, Charlie and Hunter
Deepest sympathy to Charlie and family on the passing of your Dad. Thinking of you all at this sad time.
— Fergus and Gabrielle Aspell
To Margaret and the Mc Gillian family circle, I'm so sorry to learn of the passing of Charlie, some great memories down the years.
I'll watch on the webcam. RIP Charlie 🙏
— Sam Peoples
Sending our sincere condolences on the sad news of Charlies passing. Thinking of you all and sending love and prayers xxx
Glenda Markus Killian Darragh & Daniel Hofmann
— Glenda Hofmann
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