Colleen Mary GUEST

Condolence Book for

Colleen Mary GUEST
(née Merrick)

Ardaveen Drive, Newry, Down / Armagh

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I knew Colleen as a child from Gretna Place in St. Albert; however, my fondest and most cherished adult memory is when you (Gerry) and Colleen showed up at our wedding in Edmonton- and surprised my mom and dad (Johnny and Donna Gaidica)! What a party it was. Having lost my own Tom just two years ago, I understand the pain, sorrow, and sadness that will crash like waves, but I also know you will relish in the joy, love, and laughter of your memories together...this is what will sustain you all during this time in your history. Condolences to all.
— Cammy Feehan
Dear Gerry Patrick and Nicole. We were so saddened to hear of the passing of Colleen. She always had such a great smile, and was so quick to laugh. She was so much fun to be around. Our whole family adored her. Please accept our sincere condolences.
— Brian and Rose-Marie McGee
Gerry, my condolences to you, Patrick and Nicole and the grandchildren. It was such a shock to learn last night of Colleen's passing. Just 4 1/2 months ago I was in Ireland and talked to her and had hoped to see her. The closest I got was a snap of Newry train station. I spent a day with her a few years back when she was here in the west. So many memories ... we were roommates back in the day; and we were bridesmaids for each other. And unforgettable times at the Londonderry Pub with those singalongs! Be at peace now.
— Jillian (Ash) Dacyk
Deepest sympathy Gerry, to you & all the family , on the recent passing of Colleen.
May she rest in peace.
— Breige Mc Kenna
Rest in peace our beautiful Colleen ❤️ Jim I & family have awesome memories with our 2 families together the stories that could be told 🤗 we really enjoyed the time you spent a few weeks with us at the cottage. You are a beautiful soul inside & out . You were always doing for everyone and making sure everyone was well looked after. You had to grow up fast as a young girl 💕 Then you married the love of your life (awesome singer ) and then 2 beautiful children who all adore you. You will never be forgotten and always in our hearts ❤️ you will be a beautiful angel 🌹
— Kathy & Jim Reeves
Gerry, Patrick and Nicole; our deepest sympathy to you during this very difficult times. We have such great memories and shared lots of laughs with you guys over the years. Colleen will be greatly missed by all who knew her.
— Louis, Dianne and families
Sincere condolences Gerry on the recent passing of Colleen.
Very difficult times ahead
I know you were at Tom's funeral and unfortunately I missed seeing you.
I had heard that you came back home some years ago.
Hope your well.
— Teresa O'Hare.
My deepest sympathy to Gerry and family, may Colleen rest in peace.
— Kevin Dooley. Forkhill.
Sincere sympathy to Gerry and all the family on the sad passing of Colleen, may she rest in peace.
— Marty McGuire
Sincere condolences to Gerry and family on the death of Colleen RIP
— Teresa Garvey and Family.cullyhanna road
Sorry to hear the sad news of the death of Colleen - sincere sympathy to Gerry & family. You are in our thoughts and prayers at this sad and difficult time. Rest in Peace.
— Leo & Bridie Magee, Greenore, Cooley
Sincere sympathy to Gerry and family on the sad passing Mary.
May she rest in peace.
— Noel & Margaret McCabe
We have wonderful memories staying and traveling with Colleen and Gerry. Colleen was a beautiful person with a wonderful heart and soul. RIP Colleen, you will be sadly missed. God Bless you.
— Pat and Holly MacDonald
Dear Gerry, Patrick & Nicole
Our deepest condolences on the passing of Colleen.
Thinking of you all at this difficult time.
May she rest in peace and rise in glory.
Joan, Bob, Robin & Katrina
— Joan & Bob Carruthers
Gerry, Patrick, and Nicole,
Our sincerest condolences for you at this time. Colleen was always a very happy and giving women. She will be deeply missed. May she rest in peace.
— Chris and Bernie Whelehan
Auntie Colleen may not have been close enough for regular family visits but her name frequently popped into stories of my youth. When we came to Ireland in 2011 Colleen was exactly the person I remembered and I loved watching her and my mom laughing about the “good old days”. Her grisly laugh made it so easy to smile along and that quick wit never failed to break the room. I wish I had more opportunities to spend time with her over the years and to truly know her because the woman I did know truly left an Impression of joy.
— Alanna
Colleen we miss you. I will miss your wicked sense of humour, your teasing and your laugh. Whenever I think of our early life I remember our sleep overs, weeding your dads garden for the 25 cents we never got, the drive from Lethbridge to Calgary to see Grandpa Jim and Grandma Dot, your telling me that she wasn’t my Grandma because I already had my Grandma Jean. Saying the rosary all the way to Calgary because your dad was a speed demon and it was very late in the evening. The drive from Edmonton to Lethbridge in that old Volkswagen bug on a cold cold day/night with no heat, lots of laughs first time meeting Gerry. Staying at your and Gerry’s house in Gibbons so you could babysit for me till I got an apartment in Edmonton. The four of us going out for dinner and music in Edmonton in our Monte Carlo drunk as skunks. My visit to Ireland (a place I wanted to see since very young) I loved seeing you and Gerry. Colleen my cousin but more a sister I love you and will miss you. Now you are pain free.
Gerry, Patrick and Nicole our prayers and love on your loss.
— Jackie and Robin Chambers
Our deepest sympathies to your family Gerry. We have many happy memories of Colleen in Edmonton and at calling lake. She and mom had many good laughs together. She will be missed.
— Rod and Catherine MacKenzie
Deepest sympathy to you Gerry, Patrick Pearse, Nicole grandsons brothers and extended Guest and Nugent families on the death of Colleen, she was a very friendly woman I enjoyed her company and chats, thinking of you all at this sad time. May the light of heaven shine on her soul.
— Anne Traynor (Mc Guire) & family
So sorry to hear of the loss of Colleen, RIP.
She was so loving and caring.
Our hearts go out to Gerry and the family..❤️❤️
— Jen and Pete MacKenzie
So sorry to hear the sad news. Our condolences to Gerry and all the family. Colleen was a lovely person and we cherish the memories we have of her from many years ago. May she rest in peace and always be remembered.
— Peter & Cathleen Loughran
So sorry to hear the sad news of Colleen’s death . Good rest her.

Sincere sympathy to Gerry & all the family. My late wife Lynn RIP & Colleen were good friends when you lived in Canada. Many a good time we enjoyed in The Irish Club with both of you & my sister Rose & her husband Eamon. God rest all of them.
Colleen was a lovely person , always jolly & good fun.

May God comfort you all at this sad time & give you the strength to cope.
Eternal rest to you Colleen
— Pat Larkin Edmonton, Canada
Deepest sympathy to Gerry and family. Rest in Peace Colleen
— Seamus McKeever
Our sympathy to you all. Sending you love and hugs during this difficult time. God Bless.
Maribeth, Joey, Isabella & Helena
— Maribeth Rogers Neale
Your pain has ended. We will miss you... God bless
— Arlene Guest
Sincere condolences to Gerry and all of Colleen s RIP family keeping you in our thoughts and prayers 🙏💐
— John & Bernadette Magill
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