Colum K. Johnston

Condolence Book for

Colum K. Johnston

Dalkey, Dublin

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Thank you all for your memories, your love and support to us all. I, along with Andrew & Johanna and David & Sharon and Mary appreciate all your condolences. Love from us all to you.
— Kate Lawler
Kate,, please accept our sincere sympathy on the passing of your beloved Colum. RIP. I had intended going to the Mass, but got delayed in St. Joseph’s Day Care centre where Brendan is attending at the moment. I did follow the Mass on line, and it was wonderful for you all to have Fr. John celebrate Colum’s life. May his gentle soul rest in peace.
Eleanor Ryan, Kill Abbey.
— Brendan and Eleanor Ryan
Dear Kate, we are so sorry to hear of Colum's passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this sad time.
— Michael & Tara Ryan
Dear Kate,
We’re deeply sorry to hear of Colum’s passing and we’re sending you all our prayers and sympathy at this sad time.
— Diarmuid and Rosi OSullivan
Deepest sympathy to Kate and family, very sorry to hear the sad news of Colum’s passing. He will be greatly missed. Anne and family in Limerick.
— Anne Mc Cartan
Sincere sympathy to Kate and family on the sad passing of Colum. May his gentle soul rest in peace.
— TG and Rose Gordon Castlebar
Thinking of you and the family at this very sad time. Heartfelt sympathy.
— Ann Perry
Kate, so sorry to hear of the passing of Colum. We had some great times on our trips to France with the Wine lords,May he Rest in Peace.
— Gabby and Noreen Maguire
Kate, we were very sorry to hear of Colum’s passing. We have great memories of our time spent with you both. Our sincere condolences to you and your family. Sincerely John & Susan Garner
— Susan & John Garner
Dear Kate. I was saddened to learn of Colum’s passing.
He was a true gentleman and he will be sadly missed by his family and his many friends
My thoughts are with you at this sad time
— Larry Holmes
Kate, I am so sorry to hear of the sad news of your husbands passing. Thinking of you and your family at this difficult time.
— Jenna Goodwin
Kate ....we were so sad to hear about Colum’s death. We thoroughly enjoyed his and your company on The Wine Trip.

Our deepest sympathies.
— Claire & Brendan Walsh
Kate, I was so sorry to hear about the death of Colum. May he rest in peace. Please accept my deepest sympathy.
— Hazel Doyle
Kate and family, my deepest condolences on the passing of Colum. A true gentleman, he did some of my initial line training on the ATR in the early days of Ryanair and I then had the pleasure of being his co pilot on many a flight after. Clear skies Colum
— Val McCahey
Kate, sincere condolences on the loss of Colum and condolences to Colum's family and friends. Wishing you all strength at this difficult time. May he rest in peace
— Aidan Minnock
Dear Kate, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your husband Colum. Sending love and strength to you and your family during this, the most difficult of times.
— Alison Connolly
To Kate and all of Colum’s family and friends......sincere condolences on the Colum’s passing........he will always be known among the flying fraternity as a true gentleman in every respect......a consummate professional with a huge heart and a great sense of was always a pleasure to fly with him (Ryanair) high Colum........wishing you strong tailwinds an safe landings.......Turlough/Angela/Sean and Sarah O Neill
— Turlough O Neill
Deepest sympathy to Kate, Andrew and David on the loss of your beloved Colum. May he rest in peace.
— Norma O'Regan
My deepest sympathy to you and the family on the death of Colum.
May Colum rest in peace.
— Phil Rafferty-Byrne
I was sad to hear of Colum's passing. He was a source of support for me as he was for many others. Always patient, he took life in his stride with his customary wry sense of humour. He was a top class aviator and teacher. RIP.
— Alan Wrigley
So saddened to hear of Colum’s passing.Flew together from Limerick Flying Club to Ryanair.Thorough gentleman.Rest in peace Colum.Eileen/Tom Davy
— Tom Davy
I was so shocked and saddened to hear of colums passing. A real gentleman. Thinking of all his family at this sad time.May he rest in peace.
— Georgie Keogh
Kate, I am so very sorry for your loss. My sincere condolences go out to you and your family. May your happy memories bring you some peace at this time.
— Siobhán Hurley
Kate, please accept our deepest sympathies on the occasion of Colum's death. Requiescat in pace.
— David & Margaret Fanagan
Kate, I am so sad to hear of your loss. Sincerest condolences to you and your family.
— Meadhbh Cahill
Kate, Andrew, David, Johanna and Sharon. My deepest sympathies on the passing of your dear husband/father/father-in-law. He always had such a gentle way about him and had time for everyone he met. We were honoured to have had him as part of our family and he will be sorely missed. With love, Niamh, Peter, Emma and Jack x
— Niamh Ward
Kate and family- we were so sorry to hear about the death of Colum. You’re in our thoughts, Paul and Margaret.
— Margaret Kennedy
To Kate and family. My sincere condolences to you all. Colum was a true professional and a gentleman. May he Rest in Peace and may the Light of Heaven shine upon him.
— Angelo Cunningham
Dear Kate, my condolences to you and your family on Colum's passing. I recall you speaking with such love of and respect for Colm and always with a great sense of fun and adventure. Thinking of you all at this time.
— Rachel Doogue
Sad to hear of Colum’s death today so soon after another classmate Eoin Forbes passed away also. Colum played sweeper on one of the soccer teams I was involved in at school , never flamboyant but always reliable probably the story of his life but definitely one of the good guys. Sleep well Colum and sincere condolences to your wife and family. Ned
— Ned Darcy
Kate, Andrew and David, I am so sad to hear of your loss. Colum was such a kind and caring neighbour for all those "next door" years in Glenageary.
— Aisling Kearney
Kate, I'm very sorry to hear of your sad loss and want to offer my sincere sympathy to you and your family.
— Michael J Clarke
Andrew and David, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. Both Maria and I wish to express our deepest condolences to you both and the rest of your family at this difficult time!
— Shane Mengessidis
I sympathise wth Colum's family at this sad time. I was sadened to hear of Colum's passing. I have fond memories of him as my first instructor in Limerick Flying Club 50 years ago this week. We at the club and especially the old people very warmly remember Colum as a thorough gentleman.and most helpful to us. May he rest in peace agus ar dheis Dé
— Sean Walsh
Our condolences to you Andy and your family on the death of you father. May he Rest in Peace.
— DAFM PC Support Team
Deepest sympathy on Colum's death. A true gentleman. May he rest in peace.
— Rosemary & Tom Hogan, Knockncararra Road, Galway
Andy, my deepest sympathies to you and your family on the death of your father. May he rest in peace.
— Suzanne McGarry DAFM
So sorry Kate to hear this sad news from Philomena in Canada- thinking of you and all the family- Oona Mahony in Espana RIP Column.
— Oona Mahony
Kate and the Johnston Family
Deepest sympathies on the loss of Colum.
May he rest in Peace.
— Eileen Lalor

I am so sorry to hear the news about your husband. My heart goes out to you. May he rest in peace.

Brian Gillespie
— Brian Gillespie
My deepest sympathy to Andrew, David, Mary & Kate on Colum’s passing,
May he rest in peace
— Brendan Gallagher
A dear friend has left us. May he rest in peace. To Kate, Andrew, David and all his family we offer our deepest sympathy. We will all miss Colum - such a lovely man and a perfect friend.
— James and Marguerite
So sorry to hear about your loss Kate, deepest condolences to you and your family.
— Mark Byrne
Kate, I'm so sorry for your loss. Sincere condolences to you and your family.
— Karen Jevens
So sorry to hear the news about Colum. He has been part of our group for many years, always cheerful and good company. Colum was also the consummate host, and took great delight in cooking the perfect meal for guests. We will miss him dreadfully. Love to Kate, Andrew and Johanna, David and Sharon.
— Linda and Frank Curran
Sincere condolences to Andrew,David, Mary and to Kate and family on the death of Colum.R.I.P now in your forevhom.
— Theresa and John O'Brien Ashbourne
Sincere condolences Kate and family.
RIP Colum. Great memories flying together in Ryanair.
— Jerome Lordan
Kate we are so sorry to hear of Colum's passing. Our thought and prayers are with you and family at this sad sad time.
— Cheryl & Peter Logue
Dear Kate, Andrew and David, we are so very sorry for your loss and are thinking of you at this time.
— Aoife & Denis
Kate, our thoughts are with you and your family at this time of great loss. Rest in Peace Colum.
— Clare OSullivan
Very sorry for your loss Kate
— Ross Carmody
Sincere condolences to you Kate and Family.
— Mark Phillips
I was so sorry and saddened to hear of Colum’s passing. He was a wonderful Godfather and he will truly be missed. Thinking of you Kate, David and Sharon and Andrew and Johanna.
— Ciara Kenny
We were so sorry to hear of the passing of Colum and send our heartfelt sympathies to you Kate, Andrew, David,Johanna,Sharon,and the extended Johnston Family. Fly gently to your eternal peace Colum,may your gentle soul Rest In Peace.
— Joe and Mary Doherty & Family, Sligo
Kate and Family. So sad to hear of Colums passing. I have so many happy memories of him in Flightline and Ryanair and UK airlines. A great guy and a perfect gentleman. He will be sadly missed by his flying buddies. Our thoughts are with you at this sad time. Rest in Peace Colum.
— Carole Fitzpatrick, Paddy Callahan
Dear Andy and Jo - so sorry to hear of your Dads/Father in laws passing. I have fond memories of him from your wedding. Such a sad time for you all . You are in my thoughts. May Colum Rest In Peace
— Ciara McDermott
Deepest condolences to you Kate
— John Farrelly
Our sincerest condolences Andy, Johanna & the Johnston family on the sad loss of Colum. Thinking of you at this time. May he rest in peace.
— Niall & Eilis Dunican, Sligo
Sincere condolences to all the family on Colums passing. May he rest in peace.
— Tommy & Jo Duggan, Kilkenny
Our sincerest condolences to you and your family Kate on the passing of Colum. May herest in peace. Such a true gentleman. You are in our thoughts and prayers. All our love Brendan, Margaret & Seàn Phelan
— Brendan and Margaret Phelan
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