Daria Verjans

Condolence Book for

Daria Verjans

Portmarnock, Dublin

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Dear John, Orla and Taidhg, dear Margaret, dear cousins,

We keep saying to each other how unreal this all is. Fond memories - like our last get together - are coming back.
We can not imagine what it must be like for you.

Our thoughts are with you all in these difficult times.
— Jo & Adilia Verjans-Falize
Dear John Orla and Taigh ,we are deeply saddened here in Canada at the loss of our cousin Daria .She was such a breath of fresh air. She was an explorer of the mystries of life and I like to think that she was impatient to solve that last great mystery .Forever in our hearts Geraldine Livesey (Doolan)
— Geraldine Livesey
Dear John, Orla, and Tadgh,
We learned yesterday of Daria's passing and send you our love, thoughts and prayers across the miles. I remember the many wonderful evenings at your home celebrating family reunions and Daria's joy at having the McCarthy, ,Lyons 'clan" gathered. She will be greatly missed. Auntie Lilly and all of us send our deepest sympathy to you.
— Triona and John
Dear John, I only heard tonight that Daria has died. I worked with both of you in the early eighties in O'Connell Bridge House, along with Paschal Stephens and Susan Cashen. I remember Daria telling me one day how Paschal had gotten new glasses, but was a bit shy about wearing them. Daria told me that she told Paschal that if he wore his glasses, then she would wear hers ! And he did ! I also remember turning in for work at 9.45 one morning, a full half hour late, and Daria arriving at the same time. Mick Egan always gave everyone about 15 minutes grace before he marked people late in the book, but Daria decided she was still going to query him ! Being the brave man that I was, I decided to join her. I think it's fair to say that Mick was somewhat taken aback at Daria's cheek ! It's shocking news John, Daria was so young, I feel really sad. I'm sorry I won't be able to make it to Daria's funeral as I have to be in school. God bless you and your children John. Yours sincerely, John Mulcahy
— John Mulcahy
You are in our hearts. Please know the even though we are far apart, we are very much with you in love. We remember Daria as a spirited, intelligent, wickedly funny, talented, and beautiful woman - inside and out. Auntie Lilly sends her very special love to you all, as do we,
Patricia and Tom
— Dear John, Orla, and Tadgh
John, on behalf of IABS I wish to extend our sincere sympathies to you and your family at this very sad time in your lives. We remember Daria with great fondness and we hold you in our thoughts and prayers.
— Helen Stewart
Dear John, Orla and Tadhg,
We heard about the untimely death of Daria. Our deepest condoleances. We wish you strength in these difficult times.

Please also extend our deepest wishes to Margaret, whom we met many years ago in Dublin, when we visited together with Roger and Alice.

Best wishes from Erik & ELlen-Margrethe from Aarslev (DK)
— Erik & Ellen-Margrethe Adriansen (Denmark)
Dear John, dear Orla and Tadgh,
We will miss Daria so very much. She'll be in our hearts forever.
We will always remember her having her cup of lemon-water in the morning on our terrace, while reading a book, her going along in the Kroning-procession, her enjoying a meal with us last August, ...
And we will also try to celebrate her by living life in a positive, calm and also strong way as she did.
Our thoughts are with you all.
Lies and Geert and the children
— Geert and Lies Stas-Verjans, Pieter, Katrien and Nette
Dear John, Orla and Tadhg,
Yesterday we were given the extremely sad news of Daria’s passing. We are soo very sorry for your loss, and our hearts are with you all. We will all miss Dar’s presence, her sense of joy and love of life. But above all, we will remember her, and take joy and solace from knowing that she will be remembered by all who were lucky enough to get to know her and be in her presence. Love and hugs from all of us Belgian relatives here in Schulen.
Steven, Christine, Thomas, Sarah and Eva.
— Steven & Christine Verjans-Mechelmans, Thomas, Sarah and Eva
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