Edmund (Eddie) Fleming

Condolence Book for

Edmund (Eddie) Fleming

Watergate Street, Bandon, Cork

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Sincere sympathy to the Fleming Family on the sad passing of Eddie. May he rest in peace.
— Christina Ryan & Finbarr Ryan O'Mahoney Avenue, Bandon
Deepest sympathy to Maria, Helen, William and Patrick. So sorry to hear of the passing of your brother Edmund. RIP
— Owen Parker
Maria, Sarah and the Fleming family thinking of you all at this sad time. May Eddie rest in peace x
— Kathy Etty
Father God We Ask Your Blessing and Protection for the beautiful family and relations and neighbours and friends of our beautiful brother in Jesus whose name is Eddie at this most sad and challenging occasion

Jesus we ask that you may in your goodness and in the fullness of time replace some of the grains of sadness in our hearts with nuggets of peace

In Your Mighty Name Amen 🙏❤️

Fly high beautiful brother on the wings of the angels into the arms of your loved ones waiting for you

Amen 🙏❤️
— muki and companions
Sincere sympathy to the Fleming family on the sad passing of Eddie. May he rest in peace.
— John Joe & Mary O'Mahony shanakiel kilbrittain.
Deepest sympathy on the sad passing of Edmund. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
— Christopher O'Sullivan TD
So sorry Marie to learn of your brother Eddie's passing.
Death is never easy.
Thinking of you,Denis,your sister Helen,brothers Patrick & William and families at this sad & difficult time.
May Eddie rest in peace 🙏
— Elizabeth Hankard Kinsale
Very sorry to hear of the passing of your brother Marie,sincere sympathy to all the family,May Eddie Rest in Peace.
— Nollaig Murphy
Sincere sympathy to the Fleming family on the sad passing of Eddie .May he rest in peace
— JohnJoe O'Leary and family, Gurteen Bandon
My deepest sympathies to all the Fleming family on the loss of your brother . May Eddie rest in peace .
— Gillian crowley
Sincere sympathy to Patrick and family on the sad passing of your dear brother. RIP.
— Noel and Imelda Gallagher
Maria - Helen - Patrick - William
Please accept our heartfelt sympathy of the sad and untimely passing of your loving brother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and all of your families during these difficult days. May all the sweet memories of Eddie bring you solace at this sad time. May he rest in peace.
— John & Margaret Desmond, Allen Square
Sincere condolences to Marty and Willie and extended Fleming family on the sad passing of Edmund .Thinking of you at this sad time .May Edmund Rest In Peace.
— Chris Margaret Fehilly Mossgrove.
Our sincerest sympathy to Marie,Helen,Patrick and William, and to the wider Fleming family on the sad passing of Edward.
May he rest in peace.
— Brendan and Rose Crowley
Sincere sympathy to all those who mourn Eddie’s untimely passing.
May Eddie’s gentle soul Rest In Peace
— Maureen Jones Killountain Bandon
My condolences to the Fleming family on the sad passing of Eddie.
May he rest in peace.
— Senator Tim Lombard
Our Sincere Sympathy to Maria, Denis and all the Fleming family on your sad loss. Thinking of you all at this time. May Eddie's soul rest in Peace.
— Murt & Mary Kennelly, Templemartin
Dear Maria, Helen, Patrick, William,
My sincere sympathy on the passing of dear Eddie. May Eddie rest in peace. I had the pleasure of meeting Eddie last summer, to paint his portrait, and I had so enjoyed keeping the contact with him since. I had a lovely half hour with Eddie in late December, and we were both looking forward to meeting again. Eddie spoke last summer of his love of both books and music in the past, with a sensitivity that impressed me greatly. I had hoped that Eddie would get back to his books and his music. I researched Phil Lynott ahead of painting for Eddie, and we had great fun discussing our mutual enthusiasm for listening to "The Boys are Back on Town" and "Whiskey and the Jar". Eddies choice of music reflected his spirit. Eddie was also a pure gentleman. May dear Eddie rest in peace. Sincerely, Marie Bryan, Artist.
— Marie Bryan
Sincere sympathies to Maria, Helen and the Fleming and Browne families on the passing of your brother Edmund. May he rest in peace.
— Sheila Ronan
My sincere condolences Maria and all your family on the loss of Eddie. My thoughts are with you all at this difficult time. May he rest in peace.
— Paula Harte Glandore
My sincere sympathy to you all at this difficult time. May he rest in peace.
— Catriona Whelton
Sincere Sympathy to Maria, Denis and all the Fleming family on the passing of Eddie. Praying for you all at this time, may his soul rest in Peace.
— Denis & Kitty Madden, Kilbrittain
Sincere sympathies to Willie and all the Fleming family on the death of your brother Eddie. May he rest in peace.
— Tadhg and Olivia Canniffe, Harehill
Sincere condolences to William,Monika & all the Fleming family on the sad death of Eddie. May he rest In Peace.
— Padraig & Sinead Deasy, Clogagh.
My deepest sympathies to Maria, Helen, Patrick and William and all the extended family on the very sad loss of your brother Edmund.
May he rest in peace
— Helen Barret (nee Connolly)
Deepest sympathy to Sean and family. May he rest in peace.
— Majella Fenton Forde
My sincere sympathy to Willie & the Fleming family on the death of Eddie. May he rest in peace
— Brian O’ Donovan, Newcestown
Our sincere sympathy to the Fleming Family and extended Families also to Betty O'Sullivan and Family On the sad passing of Edmund. May he Rest in Peace.
— Jim and Angela Crowley Lislee Courtmacherry
Sincere sympathy Maria to you and your family on your brother's passing. May Eddie Rest In Peace.
— Rhona and Tom Brennan
Sincere sympathy to the Fleming family and the extended Fleming families on the sad passing of Edmund. May he Rest In Peace.
— Philip & Veronica Cormac
Sincere sympathy to William and the Fleming family on Eddie's passing.
May Eddie rest in peace
— Bob and Catherine Clarke Crossmahon
Our deepest condolences to Marie, Helen, Patrick and William on the very sad passing of my cousin Edmund. Thinking of you all at this sad time. May he rest in peace.
— Breda & Kevin Barry & family
My sincere symphaties to you patrick and to the extended fleming family on the loss of eddie may he rest in peace
— Damien 0 Mahony Bandon.
My sincere sympathy to Willie, Monika & the Fleming family on the death of Eddie. May he rest in peace
— Paudie & Denise O Leary Castleview
Sincere sympathy to all the family an extended family of Eddie..may he rest in peace
— Carmel an Teddy O Mahony Gurteen
Sincere sympathy to Maria, Helen, Patrick and William and extended family on the death of Eddie, may he rest in peace.
— Pat and Margaret Fitzgerald, Old Chapel, Bandon.
Deepest Sympathy to Maria ,Denis and the extended Fleming and Browne Families on the sad passing of your dear brother and Uncle Edmund . May he rest in peace.🙏
— Stanley & Susan Helen nee Busteed & Family ,Ballinascarthy
Sincere condolences to Helen and family on the death of Eddie.
— Charles O'Shaughnessy
Our deepest condolences to Marie Helen Patrick and William on Edmunds sad passing, may he rest in peace
— Denis and Veronica O Donovan Convent Hill Bandon
Sincere sympathy to the Fleming family and extended family on the passing of Edmund,thinking of you all at this sad time.
May he rest in peace.
— Caroline Denise Mandy Duke
My condolences to the Fleming family on the sad passing of your brother. May he rest in peace.
— Cathy o Regan Kilbrittain
Sincere sympathy to all the family on the sad occasion of Eddie's passing May He Rest In Peace
— Maurice and Siobhan o Donovan Deerpark
Sincere condolences to all the Fleming family on the passing of Eddie. May he rest in peace.
— Paul Bouchier, Newcestown.
Our deepest sympathy to Willie and the extended Fleming family on the passing of Eddie. May his gentle soul rest in peace.
— Kieran & Carmel O Brien
Sincere sympathy to Maria,Denis and the extended Fleming and Browne family on the loss of your beloved brother,Eddie
— Catherine Butler
Sending our sincerest condolences and love. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. RIP Eddie xx
— Trish Brown (nee Fleming)
Our condolences to Willie on the sad passing your brother. May he rest in peace.
— Michelle Condon & Michael Lynch, Farran, Ballinascarthy
Sincere sympathy to Pat and the extended Fleming family on the passing of Eddie. May he rest in peace.
— John and Eileen Reidy,NewRoad, Bandon
Sincere sympathy to Maria and the Fleming family on the passing of Eddie.
— Alexis Bolster
Our sincere sympathy to Marie, Denis and extended family on the death of your brother, Eddie. May he rest in peace.
— Denis and Teresa Shanahan, Union Hall
Sincere condolences to all the Fleming family on the passing of Eddie, may he rest in peace.
— Martin + Gemini O’Leary
Sincere condolences to the Flemming family on Edmund’s passing.RIP
— Sean & Anna Kearney Knocknagurrane Bandon
Sincere sympathy to Maria and Denis, also the Fleming family on the sad passing of Eddie. May he rest in peace.
— Margaret Buckley
Sincere condolences to the family a very sad day. Michael +Mary Watson, The Farmhouse, Boulteen, Kilcoleman.
— Michael +Mary Watson
Deepest sympathy to Maria and Denis and the extended Fleming family on the passing of Eddie. May he Rest In Peace.
— Neil & Kathleen Hallahan
Our sympathy to sonny and all the flemming family may Eddie rest in peace
— Pats Mike o Donovan and family clounties leap
Sincere sympathy to all the Fleming family on the sad passing of Eddie. May he rest in peace .
— John & Anne O’Mahony Killountain Bandon .
Deepest sympathy to the Fleming family on the passing of Edmund, may he rest in peace.
— John & Valerie Crean
Sincere condolences to Maria Denis and the Fleming family on the sad death of Edmund.May he rest in peace.
— Michael and Maria Cadogan
So sorry for yer Loss.RIP Edmund.
— Grainne & Ursula
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