Elisa Piccotti

Condolence Book for

Elisa Piccotti

Tallaght, Dublin

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My sincere sympathies to Elisa’s family, sons and friends, at this heartbreaking time. My thoughts are with you all.
— Martina Grogan
Sincere condolences to Elisa's family, friends & loved ones, may she rest in peace & look over you all
— Helena Kavanagh UPS
My deepest sympathy to all of Elisa’s family at this sad news. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
— Sabha ni Chinneide UPS
Daniel and Anthony, we are truly sorry about the loss of your mother. Please accept our heartfelt condolences during this difficult time. Wishing you strength and comfort as you navigate through this sorrow. To all the rest of Elisas family, we are holding you in our prayers during this sad moment.
— Sharon and Diego
May you rest in peace now Elisa. Condolences to Brian Daniel and Anthony and extended family
— James & Bernie O Shea
Terribly sad to hear the news, Elisa was always so full of life and energy, hard to believe she will not be around thinking up new ideas and making plans
— Shane Maguire UPS
Arrivederci Elisa che tu possa avere sempre il vento in poppa, che il sole ti risplenda in viso e che il vento del destino ti porti in alto a danzare con le stelle.
— Giammi
Sincere condolences to Elisa’s family, children and friends.

Rest in Peace Elisa
— Detta O'Connor
Cara Elisa, é stato un piacere conoscerti e lavorare con te. Eri una persona solare e portavi sempre allegria con te.
Ti ricorderó sempre con il sorriso sul volto.
Le mie piú sincere condoglianze alla famiglia Piccotti.
— Davide
Words seem inadequate to express the sorrow felt by the loss of Elisa. My heart is with you.
— Antonella
Le mie più sincere condoglianze in questo momento di dolore. Con il mio più profondo cordoglio e sostegno incrollabile.”
— Michelangiolo
I was deeply saddened to learn about this. My sincere condolences to the family. May Elisa rest in peace.
— Matteo
I was deeply saddened to learn about this. My sincere condolences to the family. May Elisa rest in peace.
— Matteo
Ciao Elisa sei stata una collega fantastica, sempre disponibile e allegra, di te mi porterò dentro il cuore il tuo sorriso e l' allegria nel tuo sguardo.
Riposa in pace
— Bocconotti Cinzia
Condoglianze alla famiglia Picciotti
Ciao Elisa conserveremo sempre un bel ricordo di te. La tua gentilezza e il tuo sorriso.
— Simone e Ranyfrancia
Brian and I extend our deepest condolence to Elisa s mother Luciana, her sons Daniel and Anthony ,her brother and to her extended Piccotti family,on the death of Elisa. Farewell Elisa you will be greatly missed by all of us. May you rest in peace now reunited with your Dad.
— Mary and Brian Martin, Kilmacud,
Our sincere sympathies to Elisa's family and friends. May Elisa rest in peace.
— Evan & Elena
So terribly sad, condolences to all.
— Clondalkin family
Ciao Elisa, sei andata via troppo presto.. Mi piace ricordarti forte, risoluta ma anche affettuosa e con un cuore d'oro.
— Daniela Scevaroli
Carissima mamma di Elisa le porgo le mie piu' sentite condoglianze. Sono straziata dal dolore per la perdita della nostra amica.
Vi sono vicina, Laura
— Laura
RIP Elisa. You are a wonderful Person so full of life. Gone too soon. My deepest condolences to the Family.
— Christina Dent
On behalf of Elisa's colleague's we would like to extend our deepest condolences to all of her family and friends. Elisa was a valued member of the Extraspace team and will be deeply missed.
— Extraspace
My deepest condolences to Elisa's family and her children on the passing of Elisa. May her soul rest in peace.
— Susan King
Rip Elisa, a beautiful woman who I had the pleasure of meeting this year. Condolences to the family and friends of Elisa.
— The Nevin Family.
Full of life yet gone too soon. May Elisa rest in peace.
— Denise Wright
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