Elizabeth Greene

Condolence Book for

Elizabeth Greene
(née Cullen)

Ayrfield, Dublin

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Maria, so sorry to hear of your Mam's passing. Thinking of you at this sad and difficult time. May she rest in peace. Irene
— Irene Byrne
To dear Maria Jackie Paddy Ann Rena and all the family it was with great sadness we heard that Betty has Passed so soon after Dear Margaret she was a amazing woman a beautiful soul god comfort you in your great loss may her gentle soul rest in peace with her beloved Johnny Triona Barney Conor And Liam xxxx
— Walsh family
Dear Paddy & Rena
So sad to hear of Betty’s passing. Her photo brings back memories of all the Cullens to me and all the great gatherings in Seville Place. What a great clan, strong men & women I’m honoured to call my cousins.
Although I’m a long way away in Adelaide Australia, I am thinking of you and Betty’s family & all the families who will miss her presence.
Sending you our love at this sad time.
Geraldine & Malachy & all our clan here. 💕
— Geraldine (nee Kennedy) O’Reilly
My sincere sympathies to Maria & Jackie on the very sad loss of your dear Mam Betty. Have very fond memories of her & your Dad Johnny every Stephen's night in Ann & Franks we enjoyed many great years with them & they were the best of company. Thinking of you all at this very sad time. RIP Betty 🙏
— Karen Guiden
I am so sorry to hear of Betty's passing. She was always so kind. Loved the chats about her past. Her siblings all living nearby. Her close links with the Dubs and Paddy. Hearing the sad news of Margaret not so long ago. Sending my condolences to all her family , close neighbours and friends. R.i.p
— Mags Hunt Northside Homecare
Maria, I am so sorry to hear of your mam’s passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time. May she Rest In Peace
— Catherine Fallon
Maria, I was very sorry to hear about your mam, sending you my sympathies, x
— Anne Sherlock
Sincere sympathy to you Maria Jackie and also to Rena and paddy. I will offer mass for Betty today. May she rest in peace.
— Des McNaboe
Deepest sympathy to Maria and the Greene family. May your dear Mam rest in peace. Thinking of you all at this difficult time xx
— Michelle Doyle
So sad to here of your passing Betty you were a lovely neighbour and you will be sadly missed.
You once told me you were aiming to get to 100 years and you almost made it. But too hard without Johnny by your side.
May your sweet and gentle soul rest in peace.
Condolence to your two girls and all your grandchildren and extended family.
— Olivia Callan
My sincere condolences to Maria and Jackie on the passing of your mother and to Emma Linzi Ben and Megan on the passing of your grandmother and to her great grand children may Betty rest in eternal peace.. thinking of you all at this very sad time
— Bernadette Foley Athy Co.Kildare
My deepest sympathy to Maria and Jackie and extended family, I’ve very fond memories of Rathvale Park and always a warm welcome and kindness shown to me . May Betty rest in peace .
— Camilla Earle
Jackie, my sincerest condolences for you and your family at this time. I am saddened to hear of your recent loss. Losing someone we love is never easy, but take comfort in knowing that you are surrounded by people who love and care about you and want to support you all.
— Tanya Martin & Family
So sorry to hear of Betty's passing. Our condolences to all the family at this very sad time. May Betty Rest in Peace.
— William, Betty Kennedy and Family
Saddened to learn of the passing of a very dear cousin. Fond memories of Betty when the Cullen family lived in Oxmantown Road. May she rest in peace.
— Daniel Rory O'Dowd.
Our deepest sympathies to Maria Jackie Emma Linzi Ben and Megan on the passing of your lovely Mam and Nana thinking of you all at this very sad time may Betty rest in peace
— Trisha and Con Blanchfield Athy Co.Kildare
Jackie so sorry to hear of your Mams passing. Thinking of you and the wider family at this time.
— Carol and Colum Hetherton
So sad to hear of Betty's passing a lovely lady. May she rest in peace.
— Johnny& Ethna McDonnell & Family
So sorry for the loss of my beautiful aunt betty a lovely person kind and always smiling was very kind to us growing up always and my uncle sean never forget them both thinking of you maria jackie and family may you rest in peace our beautiful aunt betty
— The greene family bray
Dearest Jackie & Maria, Emma, Linzi, Ben, Megan & all your family.
Our deepest sympathy on the recent passing of your beloved Mam Betty & Nana. Our thoughts are with you all at this very sad time xxx
— Marie, Gerard & Lauren Kelly
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