Fabian Walsh

Condolence Book for

Fabian Walsh

Rathcline Road, Lanesborough, Longford / Tuam, Galway

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Deepest condolences to you Diane & all the extended families. I have fond memories of Fabian driving us to school each day & all his involvement in athletics. May he rest in peace.
— Bernie Johnson, Limerick ( Rappareehill)
Deepest sympathies Diane on the sad passing of one of life’s true volunteers. Fabian was also a gentleman and most kind hearted. He will be sadly missed. Ar dheis de go raibh at anam
— Martin and Gaye Skelly Newtowncashel
Deepest sympathy to Diane on the passing of a great man. Fabian was a true legend whose sporting legacy will live on for many years to come.
— Eamonn Bolger
Diane, so sorry for you sad loss of your lovely Dad Fabian. Great memories of weekends spend in Lanesboro in my school days. Fabian never had a harsh word to say despite all our antics. Beautiful smell of fresh baked bread we enjoyed every morning. He was always in good humour and totally chilled. You were a wonderful daughter Diane to both Fabian and Renee and they appreciated it. May his kind and gentle soul rest in peace. Much love Caroline
— Pat and Caroline Cunnane
Our deepest condolences Diane on the passing of your Dad Fabian RIP. May he rest in eternal peace.
— The Winston Family, Tuam
Our sincere sympathy to you Diane and to all Fabian's family and large circle of friends on the sad passing of Fabian. Always a pleasure to meet Fabian. A true gentleman. Always good for a great chat. May his gentle soul rest in peace.
— John and Violet Loughlin, Ballyleague.
Deepest condolences to Diane on the sad passing of your dad Fabian.
May he Rest in Peace .
— Noel and Martina Gill Cloonadra Ballyleague
Condolences to Fabian’s daughter and extended family on his sad passing. Fabian was “Mr Athletics” in this region and indeed nationally for many years. He was always available for a few wise words of encouragement to young athletes to whom he gave selflessly of his time. May he rest in peace.
— Martin Dolan, Boyle
Sincere condolences to Diane and the extended Walsh family. Very sad to hear of Fabian’s passing. He was such a kind man and so generous with his time. I have many fond memories of Fabian from athletics to sitting in the front of the school bus with him. We had so much fun listening to Johnny Cash and his many great stories. May he rest in peace.
— Claire Carroll
Sincere condolences to Diane and family on the passing of Fabian. He was a true gentleman, one of a kind. I have so many lovely memories of travelling with Fabian to various athletic events all over the country. He took such a genuine interest in getting young people involved in athletics and he has left a lasting legacy in Lanesboro and further afield. May he rest in peace.
— Elaine Scally
My sincere sympathy to Diane and family on the deeply sad passing of a Lanesborough great, Fabian. I have wonderful memories traveling on the bus to Roscommon Convent, sitting up the front with Fabian meant the journey was never boring! I loved listening to his great stories and enjoyed his lovely phrases. He had a calm presence and he made such a positive impact on so many people through school and athletic trips. Fabian has left a legacy and he will never be forgotten. May his kind soul rest in peace.
— Aoife Connaughton
Sorry for your loss Diane may Fabian rest in peace.
— Johnny&Bernie Jordan
Sincere condolences to Diane and the extended Walsh family on the passing of Fabian. A lovely man who played a huge role in introducing so many young people to athletics. May he rest in peace.
Janice & Pat
— Janice & Pat Smyth
To Diane and all the Walsh family. Sincere condolence on the passing of Fabian!! A lovely true gentleman!!!
May he rest in peace.
— Tom & Angela Crinigan
Diane and all extended Walsh family, so sorry to hear of Fabians passing!!
He was one of a kind!! My fondest childhood memories are fighting to get the front seats of his bus to hear all the stories on our way to athletic competitions!!! Met him a few years ago in claremorris athletic track, sat and had ice-cream and laughs with him! A lovely memory i will always have!! Thinking of you all! May he rest in peace.🙏
— Celine Gilligan (Crinigan)
Sincere Sympathy to Diane on the sad passing of your Dad
Happy memories of all our trips abroad we had such fun
Sorry i can't be with you
So rest in peace Fabian 🙏 🕊
— Peggy Moran Ballyleague
Diane, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your much loved dad. Thinking of you. May Fabian rest in peace.
— Teresa & Steve Ormsby
Deepest sympathy Diane on the passing of your dad . May Fabian rest in peace.
— Deirdre Casey
My sincere sympathy to you Diane on your dear Dad's passing. May Fabian rest in peace.
— Úna Flynn Ballymahon
My sincere condolences to Diane on the passing of your Dad Fabian, he was a true Gentlemen.

Fabian was my first team manager in the early 80's - the Bavarian Youths in Berlin that never happened, but we were there! Both Fabian and Breda Synott (RIP) earned all our respect on this trip, caring for a very energetic group of 10 athletes (boys and girls). WE tested their managerial skills and had the most memorable trip! In the years to follow, Fabian replicated his wonderful care and respect on so many occasions! He will be fondly remembered by so many!

May Fabian's gentle soul, rest in peace! 🙏
— Enda Fitzpatrick Longford AC / DCH
Sincere sympathies to Diane and the rest of Fabian’s family. A man deeply involved in many aspects of Lanesboro life. He certainly made his mark. He will be missed. Rest peacefully.
— Michele Fleming
Sincere Sympathy Diane on the passing of your father. Fabian will always be remembered fondly. May he rest in peace.
— Ann McCormack
Sincere sympathy to Diane & family on the death of your wonderful Dad Fabian. RIP 🕯️ Beautiful mass was watching on line, lots of past memories from Tuam. Thinking of you & family & many friends.
— Peter & Mary Crisham, Navan. Co Meath. Formerly Tuam
The world will never be the same without you. We will forever fondly remember all the treasured memories you gave us and so many more people.
Our deepest sympathy to Diane and cherish the memories that he has left you and us with
— Joe, Martina, Cían & Cóilín O’Brien
Deepest sympathy.Prayers offered.
— Fr.M.Reilly
Sincere sympathy to Diane on the sad passing of Fabian. R.I.P.
— Pauline and Seamus Carberry
I was very sad to hear of Fabian's passing.
My sincere condolences to his family at this difficult time x
Lough Ree Athletic Club and Fabian Walsh go hand in hand!

I have so many fond memories of Fabian taking us to cross-country events where we were all included in some way shape or form. We had great fun listening to his stories and songs, he always had time for us growing up. The Community Games in Lanesboro was always led by the fabulous Fabian Walsh, great times were had by all!

He really was a true gentleman and anyone who had an interest in athletics, Fabian was keen to help them out.

May you rest in peace x
— Sarah Farrell
Sincere condolences to Diane and the extended Walsh family on the passing of Fabian.May he Rest in Peace
— Paddy & Margaret Higgins Corbally
Deepest condolences to Diane and the extended family on the sad passing of Fabian. May he Rest In Peace.
— Annette Muldoon & family
Sincere sympathy Diane & thinking of you today. Fabian was forever young and an amazing inspiration. May he rest now peacefully.
— Breda Clancy
Sincere condolences to you Diane and the extended family. Fabian was a wonderful man in so many ways. His legacy will remain for a long time in Lanesborough. Rest in peace Fabian.
— Paul Greene
Deepest sympathy to Fabians family I have wonderful and fond memories of Fabian training and bringing me and the team for the cross country running and giving us hot tomatoe soup afterwards, when we lived in lanesboro, and now I am in tuam, rip Fabian you were an inspiration to us all
— Tracy Flannery
Rest in peace Fabian.
— Michael Healy
Sincere sympathy Diane and extended families on the sad loss of Fabian. A light has gone out from our town but loving memories live on. Our Lady of Knock comfort you all.
— Marie Mc Grath and David Carey
Sincere condolences to Diane and Fabian’s extended family. His great presence and legacey will bring warmth in reflecting on wonderful times shared.
— Bashir Hussain
Sincere sympathy to you Diane on the passing of your father Fabian. In the 60's before the Athletic Club Fabian brought many of us weekly in his minibus to swimming classes in Longford pool. Never heard him raise his voice once, a gentleman

Rest peacefully Fabian🕊
— Kathleen Hough Kirwan Lorrha Co Tipperary
So sorry to hear of Fabians passing. He was great volunteer for athletics. May he rest in peace.
— Kathryn Casserly
Our deepest sympathy and prayers to Diane and the extended Walsh family on the passing of Fabian. Our late father, John Francis worked as a bread salesman with the Midland Bakery and we have many happy memories of Fabian as a very loyal employer. May Fabian's soul now rest in everlasting peace.
— Seàn Murray & Family, Carrick-on-Shannon
My sincere condolences to you Diane one the sad loss of your dear dad Fabian.R.I.P.
— Mary Monaghan Caherlistrane
Sincere sympathy to you Diane on the passing of you dear dad. I always enjoyed bumping into Fabian on his many walks along the Rathcline road where he always stopped for a friendly chat and to tell a story or two about the good old days. I have so many fond memories of heading off in the back of Fabian’s minibus to cross country running. We would often be getting back on the bus covered head to toe in mud but Fabian wouldn’t bat an eyelid. His kindness and giving so freely of his time will always be remembered by us all as will his very distinctive voice on the megaphone during the Community games every year. Rest in Peace Fabian.
— Louise Carroll
Sincere condolences to you Diane on the death of your beloved dad, a truly remarkable man by all accounts.
My first encounter with Fabian was somewhat different. As we walked back together to my car after a poetry reading in the library he recited these lines from his favourite poem, The House With Nobody In It,

" When a house has done what a house should do,
A house that has sheltered life,
That has put its loving wooden arms
Around a man and his wife."

Memorable indeed.
Rest peacefully Fabian.
— Mary Jameson
Our sinserest condolences to you and your family on the passing of your father Fabian he was a gentleman .... RIP.....
— Roberto, Petra, Remi riozzi
Sincere condolences on the sad passing of your dad Diane. Rest in Peace Fabian..
— Tony Mc Caffrey
We are sorry Diane to hear of Fabian s sudden passing.
He contributed over and beyond to his community in so many ways.
His gentle smile and friendship will be missed greatly by his neighbours on the Road.He was an absolute gentleman with love for everyone around him.
Our sincere sympathy to you and the extended Walsh families.
— Edmund, Eddie & Margaret Bourke
Deepest sympathy to Diane and extended Walsh families on the death of Fabian.
— Lanesborough Tourism Group
Sincere sympathy to Diane and all Fabian families on his passing , may Fabian rest in peace. Good memories of him a Community Games.
— Liz Diviney Sorohan
Condolences to Diane and the Walsh family on the passing of Fabian. May he rest in peace.
— Sharon & Peter Brady, Rathcline Road, Lanesboro
Sincere sympathy to Diane and the extended family on the sad passing of Fabian a true gentleman. May he rest in peace.
— Phelim Henry
Condolences to Diane and the Walsh family on the passing of Fabian. Fondly remembered and grateful to Fabian for taking the time to help so many of us kids in athletics. Rest in peace Fabian.
— Geraldine Hanly, Lisnacusha.
Deepest sympathy to Diane on the sad passing of Fabian. He was a lovely kind man who drove the school bus to Derrane school and shared out buns to all the kids. May his gentle soul rest in peace.
— Űna Creavin, nee Davis, Derrane
Sincere sympathy to Diane and all Fabian families on his passing , may Fabian rest in peace.
— Bernie Costello
Sincere sympathy to you Diane and the extended Walsh family on the sad passing of Fabian. He was a true gentleman. May he rest in peace.
— Padraig & Patricia Connerton
Sincere sympathy to Diane and the extended Walsh family on the sad passing of Fabian.May he rest in peace 🙏
— Padraig Kelly Cloontuskert
Diane deepest sympathy to you on your huge loss.
When I think of Fabian I smile and bucket loads of happy memories come flooding in. Fabian was one of life's legend and he will be sorely missed.
I will never forget all those dark,wet evenings running in Maddens fields, up & down those dreaded hills. Fabian had a master plan for us and we would only go through that hardship for him. We were finally rewarded with a Connaught Cross country medal which I still pull out to this day, at least once a year and smile! Fabian always believed in us.
Thank you for the fabulous memories. Rest easy x
— Eimear Casey, Main Street, Lanesboro
Sincere sympathies to Diane and all in Fabian's extended family on his sad passing. He was such a huge influence on so many growing up in Lanesboro and a gentleman to go along with it.
A great person.
May he Rest in Peace.
— Jeaffrey McGann
Sincere sympathy to Diane and all the extended Walsh family on the sad passing of Fabian, may he rest in peace.
— John @ may Muldoon Ferefad.
Sincere sympathy to you Diane and all the family your dad was a true gentleman may his gentle soul rest in peace
— Fallon family beechwood
Our sincere condolences to Diane &Walsh family,all Fabians many friends &neighbours &everyone who had the privilege of knowing such a wonderful ,kind ,intelligent,gentle man . He will always be remembered for his massive involvement in athletics,where he nurtured the children of the parish &surrounding areas in the joys of athletics .During his days in the Bakery ,many a time ,all work stopped when Fabian announced We'll go for a swim ! Not to the Shannon as you would expect but to the outdoor pool in Castlerea where the diving board was . He was full of fun &remained so up to the end .. Codladh sámh Fabian for a life well lived
— James&Mary Casey ,Curreen Rathcline Road
Sincere condolences to Diane and extended Walsh on the sad passing of Fabian. As a youngster he drove us around the country to athletic events. And no matter how late or wet or cold he was he always stopped for Chips. Always patient, kind, supportive and funny. He was a true legend and only as we got older did we appreciate the time and effort in put into us. Rest in peace.
— Margaret Butler Taughmaconnell nee Kelly Cloontuskert
Sincere sympathy to the Wslsh family on the death of Fabian

May his gentle soul rest in peace
— Syl Regan Rockwood Lanesboro
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