Fidelma Doherty

Condolence Book for

Fidelma Doherty

41, St. Colmans Drive, Strabane, Tyrone

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I never got to meet you Fidelma which I am really very sad about as you're the one person in my long lost Doherty family I was really looking forward to meeting I suppose I will just have to bide my time and wait until I can join you so sleep well my lovely cousin until the day comes when we can meet up 💚💚💚
— Elizabeth (Doherty) Ferguson
Condolences to Lorna, Joe and the extended family .Rest in Peace Fidelma 🙏🙏
— Martina and Seamus O Donnell, Newtowncunningham
Sincere condolences to Lorna , Joe and the extended family on the death of Fildema .May she rest in peace 🙏
— William and Jean Burke Newtowncunningham
Sincerest condolences to all the family on the passing of fidelma ❤
Marie an all the staff at the commodore
— Marie
Saddened to hear of the passing of Fildema, she was a wonderful person. May you rest in peace
— Riky Overend
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