Condolence Book for


Clonskeagh, Dublin

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Mo chomhbhróin le Doireann agus leis an gclann uilig faoi cailleadh Fíonán. Ar dheis Dé a anam dhílis.
— Angela Uí Fhloinn
If i can help somebody as i pass along if i can cheer somebody with a word or song If i can love somebody through my whole life long then my living has not been in vain I had the privilege of describing you as my friend your legacy contiues in your amazing family of whom you were so proud The sadness we all felt when you left us is merged with the happiness you brought us and thats my abiding memory
— Norman Gray
Sincere condolences to Iggy and the extended O' Muircheartaigh family on the death of your brother. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dilis.
— Myles & Eileen McHugh, Oranmore
Comhbhrón go háirithe do Mhuireann agus don mhuintir uile ar bhás Fhionáin. Beannacht Dé leis.
Bhíos thar lear nuair a fuair sé bás. Agus níor chuala mé faoi go dtí inniu, nuair a chuir a chara agus mo chara Eoin Ó Néill ar mo eolas é.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
— Liam Ó Almhain
Comhbhrón ó chroí le Muintir Uí Mhuircheartaigh go léir ar bhás Fhionáin. Suaimhneas síoraí dá anam.
— Bríd agus Brian Ó Cuív, Indreabhán, Gaillimh
Bernt and I were both shocked and deeply saddened by the news of Fionan’s sudden passing and offer our deepest sympathies to Muireann, Doireann and all Fionan’s brothers, sisters and children. We mourn our dear friend with you but we also celebrate the example he so freely gave of a life well lived, and we remember fondly all the good times that we shared together in Oxford and later in Dublin and in Wicklow. Although we knew Fionan was seriously ill we were amazed at his optimism, energy, infectious enthusiasm and zest for life when we held our long-delayed reunion in North Wales last October, and saw that he had lost nothing of his natural charm and easy manner with strangers of every kind. We also saw that his love of an argument had not diminished with the passing years, and that his experience as a lawyer had only strengthened his ability to sum up a debate and find the best outcome for the common good. Ireland has lost a great public servant and a lawyer who embodied and expressed all that is best in the spirit and practice of the law, and we and all who knew him have lost a true friend and a shining example of a gentleman for our times. Rest in peace, good friend; whenever we hear or think of Ireland, we will remember you with the warmest affection.
— Michael Clark (Harleston, Norfolk) and Bernt Hagtvet (Oslo)
To Muireann and family and to Iggy and the extended O Muircheartaigh family, our deepest sympathy on your loss. Fíonán was a true gentleman who was dedicated to helping people. Thinking of you at this very sad time.
— Deirdre Courtney and Brian O Connor, KIllaloe, Co Clare
Sincere sympathy to Muireann, the family and extended O Muircheataig family, on the death of Fionan. He was an able and influential man and it was my good fortune to serve with him on the Board of the Kemmy Business School at University of Limerick where he served as Chairman. He was not a regular golfer but was good company during the many outings we shared in Limerick and his beloved Kerry. May Fionan rest in peace.
Martin Murray Limerick
— Martin Murray
Tríona, Seosamh, Fianna and all the O'Muircheartaigh family, our deepest sympathy on the passing of Fíonán. You are in our thoughts. May he rest in peace.
— Sinéad O'Malley, Reuben Fogarty and Fogarty family
Comhbhrón le clann Fhíonán, go háirithe le Doireann. Tá brón orm. Fear deas macánta a raibh cairdiúil agus cineálta i gcónaí, san obair --Suaimhneas síoraí dó.
— Clíona Boland
Sincere sympathy to Finn & all the family on the sad passing of Fionan. May he Rest in Peace
— Jerry & Betty o Connor
Devastated to learn of Fíonán's death. I knew he was seriously ill. We swapped WhatsApp messages as recently as 2 April.

Sincere sympathy to the Ó Muircheartaigh family. I knew Fíonán for more than 50 years. He was 'Best Man' at my wedding in 1972. I suspect that he was the 'Best Man' at most things which he turned his hand to.

While Fíonán was intense and brilliant in an academic sense, he also had a lighter/fun side to his persona. I am one of the many people who will miss him a lot.

May his gentle soul rest in peace.

Michael and Liz Murphy, Drumcondra
— Michael Murphy
Comhbhron o chroi le Muireann, le hIognaid, Sean, Colm agus Aogan agus le clann Ui Mhuircheartaigh go huile ar bhas Fhionain. Ar dheis De go raibh se.
— Alan Dukes, Cill Dara
Thoughts with you Muireann and family, Deeply saddened to hear of Fíonán's passing.
— Marc Rangitaawa
Ár gcomhbhrón leat a Mhuireann agus leat a Aogáin agus an chlann ar fad.
Suaimhneas síoraí dá anam uasal
— Caitlín & Noel Ó Maoileoin, Na Gorta Dubha
Sincere condolences to Muireann on the sad loss of your beloved Fionan. I was shocked to hear the news and, regrettably, discovered it too late to get to the removal. Fionan was a true gentleman, had an extraordinary capacity to think clearly and to articulate his perspectives on many issues. His early life training in economics and statistics was complemented in his “retirement” years with his legal education that crystallised in him being called to the Bar to pursue a new chapter of service to Irish society. He was appointed to the inaugural international Advisory Board of the Kemmy Business School and chaired it for a number of years. It was a pleasure to work with him, a joy to engage with him socially and a privilege to have known him.
His passing has left a void in all our lives which most of all will be felt by his grieving family that he loved so much.
May he rest in peace.
Donal Dineen, UL
— Donal Dineen
Comhbhrón ó chroí le Muintir Uí Mhuircheartaigh go léir ar bhás Fhionáin. A great colleague and a true gentleman.
— Michelle Smith de Bruin
Comhbhrón ó chroí le Muintir Uí Mhuircheartaigh ar fad ar bhás Fhionáin. Leaba i measc na Naomh go raibh aige.
— Caitríona de Mórdha & Martin Greaney, Lios Póil
Comhbhrón ó chroí leat a Mhuireann, le bhur gclann, clann bhur gclainne, deartháireacha Fhionáin.& Muintir Uí Mhuirtearaigh go léir.
Beannacht Dé lena anam dhilís. Suaimhneas síoraí dá anam.
Ard na Caithne. Baile an Fheirtéaraigh.
— Vera NÍ Cinnéide.
Bron ar an mbas ... Comhbhron le clann Fhionain, muintir Mhuircheartaigh ar fad, agus le mo chomhscolaire Colm
— Cormac O Grada
Deepest sympathy to all the family Fionan a true gent
— Robert and Val O’Leary
Comhbhrón ó chroí le Muintir uilig Uí Mhuircheartaigh ar bhás Fhionáin. Leaba I measc na Naomh go raibh aige.
— Peig & Muintir Uí Mhuircheartaigh, Na Gorta Dubha
Sincerest condolences to Muireann and Fionan's family on his untimely passing. Fionan was a terrific neighbour and a valued Director at our Rockfield Community. He was wise and humorous and always had time for a story. He was always very proud of you all. He will be greatly missed.
— Jim Clery
I was saddened to hear the news about Fíonán's passing. He was such a lovely man, whenever you met him in the Law Library he would always have a wee chat with you, and give you his full attention no matter how busy he was. He will be missed by all the staff in the library. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
— Andrew Byrne
Sincere condolences to Doireann and all the Ó Muircheartaigh family on the passing of Fíonán. Thinking of you at this time.
— Jane Ferry
Ár gcomhbhrón libh ar bhás bhúr n-athair
"Go raibh leaba aige i measc na Naomh"
— Clann Choláiste Eoin
Iggy & family, Sincere condolences on Fionan’s passing. May he Rest In Peace.
— Brian McCarthy
Our deepest and heartfelt sympathy on the passing of Fionan.. his family are in our thought R I P
— Harry and Mary Copeland R I P
Comhbhrón ó chroí le Muireann agus clann Uí Mhuirearcheartaigh ar fad.
— Susan Feirtéar
Comhbhrón ó chroí leat Aogán agus clann Uí Muircheartaigh go léir. Go raibh leaba i measc na Naomh ag Fíonán.
— Clíona Ní Bhraonáin, Baile n Sceilg
Comhbhrón ó chroí le muintir Uí Mhuircheartaigh ar fad. I worked for Fionán in Enterprise Ireland when I first moved to Dublin. He left a lasting impression on me as he was so generous with his time and knowledge.
— Breda O’Sullivan
Ar dheis Dé go raibh anam Fhionáin dhil.
— Raphael Kelly
Comhbhrón ó chroí le muintir Uí Mhuircheartaigh ar bhás Fionnán uasail. Suaimhneas síoraí dá anam.
— Colm Mac Séalaigh & Nóirín Ní Chonghaile
Comhbhrón ó chroí leat, Doireann agus do chlann. Fear cneasta, cáirdiúil agus foighneach ab ea Fíonán.
— Caroline O'Connor
Comhbhrón ó chroí libh go léir
— Breandan agus Aoileann mac Gearailt Baile an Fheirteirigh
I was very sad to hear of Fionan's death. He was my first Secretary General as a very new member of the Department of the Marine and he gave me every opportunity to grow and develop in the role. I learnt such a lot from him. Ar dheis De go raibh se.
— Deirdre O'Keeffe
Sorry to hear of Fionans passing -he was the star pupil andyoungest in our class in Colaiste Mhuire -my thoughts are with his family at this difficult time
— Brendan lee Killenny
Sincere sympathy to Iggy, Sean and all the Muircheartaigh Family on the passing of Fionan. May he rest in peace.
— Murt & Imelda Greaney
Comhbrón leatsa Muireann agus an chlann as ucht bás Fionnán. Bhí sé ar intinn againn buaileadh leat ag an socrad ach faoi dheireadh cuireadh bac orainn freastal. Leaba i measc na Naomh go raibh ag Fionán uasal. Andy agus Margaret, Coláiste Mhuire, UCD agus an Buailtín
— Andy O’Rorke
Sincere sympathies to Doireann on the death of your father.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a ainm dílis.
— Pat O’Keeffe
Comhbhrón ó chroí le Muireann agus an chlann. Beidh ár cuimhne go deo ar laethanta breátha fadó ar trá Chúm Uí Neoil agus istigh ar an mBuailtín. Leaba i measc na Naomh go raibh aige.
— Cristín Ní Éanaigh agus Ciarán Tuite
Cómhbhrón ó chroí leat a Mhuireann, agus le Doireann, Tríona, Seosamh & Fionán. Ag smaoineamh freisin ar bhur dteaglaigh óga, a bhfuil seod luachmhar caillte acu.
Iognâid, Seán, Colm agus Aogán.. fíor bhrón orm, ní maith liom bhur mbris.
Tá fear iontach ar lár... duine lách, caoin, cneasta.. fear a bhí i gcónaì dìlis, cáirdiúil, cabhrach & cineálta. Duine sona, gealgháireach .. Croithneoidh muid uilig go mór é.
Bhí mé ag dréim le bheith libh inniu ach ar an droch uair bhuail tinneas mè agus níor fhéad mé dul amach.
Tá Fionán sna flaithis. Tá mé cinnte go mbeidh sé in bhur measc agus ag tabhairt sôláis daoibh .. inniu agus i gcónaì. Grá mór
— Caitríona Ní Chasaide
He was a great Stroller. Sympathies to the family
— graham richards
Condolences Éimhín on the passing of your uncle and too all his family may he RIP.
— Mary & John Crowley
Our sincere sympathies to you Muireann and family and to Seán and all the Ó Muircheartaigh family at this very sad time. May Fíonán rest in peace.
— Pat and Eliz Doyle, Ashford, Co. Wicklow.
Sincere sympathies to Sean and all the Muircheartaigh family.
Comhbhrón ó chroí le Seán agus le Mhuircheartaigh ar fad.

Josephine McCarthy
— Josephine McCarthy
Sincere sympathy to Iggy, Sean and all the Muircheartaigh Family. May he rest in peace.
— Triona Lydon & John Ward, Galway
Deepest Sympathy to Iggy and the O Murcheartaigh Family . May Fionan Rest in Peace
— Joan and John Power Salthill Galway
I was very sad to hear of Fíonán's passing - his kind presence around the ground floor of the law library will be missed but not forgotten. Deepest condolences to you all.
— Jennifer Goode
Dear Doireann and family. I am so sorry to hear of your father's death. I remember him from the Law Library. A lovely, gentle, decent man. May his shining light guide you always.
— Majella Twomey
Comhbhrón ó chroí le muintir agus cairde Fíonán ar a bhás. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
— Colonel Jerry & Mindy Lynes
Comhbhrón ó chroí do mhuintir Uí Mhuircheartaigh ar an ócáid brónach seo. Fear uasal, leaba i measc na Naomh aige!
Tiarnan de Fréine (thar ceann clann de Fréine)
— Tiarnán de Fréine
Comhbhrón ó chroí leat Muireann ar bhás Fhíonáin agus, chomh maith, le Doireann, Tríona, Seosamh agus Fíonán Óg. Braithfidh clainn a chlainne agus a dheartháracha Iognáid, Seán, Colm agus Aogán uatha go mór é. Fear uasal, éirimiúil agus ardaigeanta ab ea Fíonán. Bhí sé de phribhléid agam bheith i mo rúnaí príomháideach dó nuair a ceapadh é ina chéad Rúnaí ar Roinn na Mara. Níl teora leis an méid d'fhoghlaimíos uaidh i rith an tréimhse sin, agus ó shin i leith. Bhí sé i gcónaí cabhrach agus tuisceanach agus an greann thart an t'am ar fad. Tá a charn tógha ag Fíonán. Leaba i measc na naomh go raibh aige.
— John and Eilís O'Connor
Rest in peace Fionan.
— Patrick fearn
Sincere sympathy to Iggy and Seán and all the ÓMuircheartaigh family on Fíonán's sad passing. May he rest in peace.
— Con & Mary Cunnane, Galway
Comhbhrón ó chroí le muintir Uí Mhuircheartaigh ar fad. Ar dheis Dé go raibh anam Fhionáin.
— Peig agus Maolsheachlainn Ó Caollaí
To Muireann, Doireann, Seosamh, Fionan and wider family.
It is with profound sadness that we mourn the death of Fionan. Truly a man of wonderful inspiration, humility, story telling and humour. Fionan’s great friendship and kindness to Brendan especially when they journeyed together to Grenoble, France in 2003 is never forgotten.
Rest in Peace Fionan🌹
— Maria, Shane, Léana, Avene Colgan
Deeply saddened to hear of Fíonán's passing. Sincere condolences to Muireann, Doireann, Tríona, Seosamh, Fionán and wider family. As a family we will always have cherished memories of a wonderful neighbour and his great friendship with our late Dad, Brendan. May he rest in peace.
— Avene Colgan formerly Pine Valley Drive, London, UK
Sincere sympathy to Muireann and her Family and to Iggy and Sean and all the Muircheartaigh Family on the sad death of Fionan. May he Rest In Peace. Sorry we are unable to be with you. Our sincere condolences, Tony and Maeve.
— Tony and Maeve O'Connor, Pollnarooma, Salthill.
Sincere condolences Muireann to you and all your family on the death of your beloved Fíonán. May he rest in peace
— Mary Hughes ( neé O'Connor)
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