Fr Alexius (John) Healy OFM Cap.

Condolence Book for

Fr Alexius (John) Healy OFM Cap.

Raheny, Dublin / Ardgroom, Cork

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Deepest sympathy on the sad passing of Fr Alexius. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
— Christopher O'Sullivan TD
Rest in peace Fr.Alexius.
You reached a great age!
Thank you for the wonderful Christian kindness and advice,which you generously shared during your many years in Carlow.

Rest in peace 🙏
— Moira Keehan
Sincere condolences to Capuchin Confreres on the passing of Fr Alexius. He was a great friend of the Monaghan family and we loved him dearly. He married us 40 yrs ago and always took great interest in our growing family. We visited Ardgroom and Glengariff and met his extended family. We treasure some lace gifted to us for our wedding made by his 2 cousins.
— Tony and Breda Monaghan
Thank you Fr, John Healy for all the wonderful work you have done for us and for given up your freedom for the Catholic Church (not an easy life for any priest) I I wil pray for you and pray to you for guidance RIP Fr John
— Carlow
Sincere condolences to the Healy family on the sad passing of Fr. Alexius
As an altar boy in Ardgroom Church years ago we loved when he said mass because he always gave us some money !
May he rest in peace RIP.
— john gerard and mary sullivan Sea Villa Inward Ardgroom.
Sincere sympathy to the Family & Capuchin Community on the death of Fr;Alexius.He was a frequent visitor to my home & a wonderful friend to my parents & all of us.May he Rest in Peace.
— Bernadette Rosney Massey
So sad to hear of fr alexis passing to be with god, he was a wonderful friend, his quirky jokes to his stories of years gone by, what a mighty warrior of the faith we've lost, continue with your wit and laughter fr elexis and support us left here especially your family with your prayers, God rest you fr, you deserve a good rest in the arms of your beloved mother, our lady, ❤️
— Mary hogan carlow
I will always remember something that Fr. Alexius said when I met him, when he came to Raheny in recent years.
It was that his Mother said to him that first comes wonder (a sense of), then gratitude and then compassion. A great outlook on life.
May he rest in peace.
— Michael Kyle
Sympathies to the Healys on the sad loss of Fr. Alexius. Sympathies also, to all his loved ones. I remember him saying mass in Ardgroom. I often heard my Mom & Dad speak so fondly about him. May his soul rest in peace.
— Mary Catherine Sullivan Pulleen Ardgroom Beara Co Cork
Sincere Sympathy to his sister in law Mary his nieces Carmel Claire Breda Eithne & nephew Michael on the sad passing of Fr Alexius. A wonderful priest.I can still remember him coming to Ardgroom school & chatting to all the pupils.May his gentle soul rest in peace
— Sheila OShea Roger Barrakilla Ardgroom
Sincere sympathy to all the family and the Capuchin order on the passing of Fr Alexius.
May he now enjoy eternal peace as he receives his reward for a lifetime of service and goodness.
Suaimhneas síoraí dá anam i measc na naomh!
— John Flanagan
Rest in peace Fr Alexius. I have fond memories of the time we spent together in Ardgroom. Go ndéanfaidh Dia trócaire ar a anam dílis.
— Patricia Comber(Crowley)
Dear fr.Alexius ,May your beautiful soul rest in Eternal peace ,May St.Padre Pio and St.Bernadette welcome you into your eternal home, Until we all meet again,May Jesus and his holy mother give you a great welcome into paradise ..♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
— A Carlow Mother.
Our sincere condolences to his Capuchin Confrères, his nieces, nephews, grand-nieces, grand-nephews, and extended family on the very sad passing of Fr. Alexius. May his gentle soul Rest in Peace.
— Joe & Rose Tobin Caherdaniel Bantry
Rest in peace Fr Alex lovely memories and a long life dedicated to the church. Slan abhaile.
— Joan Cronin
Sincere sympathy to all Fr Alexius family, and Capuchin Community. I have a vivid memory of he visiting the school in Ardgroom on one of his visits home, bringing sweets for all the pupils. May he rest in peace.
— Margaret ( Dorrohy) Heffernan Castletownbere
Deepest sympathy to Fr Alexius’s family and the Capuchin Community on Fr Alexius’s recent passing. As a child I have fond memories of him coming to the village to visit his mam in the village.He was a great friend of my parents .May he rest in peace🙏🏻🙏🏻
— Joan O’Brien Crowley, Fermoy and Ardgroom
Sincerest sympathy to Carmel, Claire, Breda, Eithne and Michael on the passing of their dear uncle, Fr. Alexius, and to his Capuchin family and his friends. His beautiful singing voice now dimmed and gone, but many happy memories of growing up in Ardgroom live on.
Dear Fr. Alexius, may flights of angels carry thee to thy rest. Norelene O’Dwyer, Ardgroom
— Norelene O’Dwyer
Sending condolences to Fr Alexius’ family and friends. He was such a friend to all of us in the Monaghan family, of all ages, and his wise countenance, deep laugh, warm wit and love of all will be sadly missed. I carry his name with pride ‘Audrey Alexius’.
— Audrey Casey
A true capuchin gone to his heavenly reward
— Brian stone
Sincere condolences to everyone who loved Fr. Alexius. An honorary uncle to us, Fr Alexius held a special part in our lives. He was always there with a song or a joke. His jokes invariably followed by his own infectious laughter. I will always be grateful to him for conducting our marriage ceremony 32 years ago and making it so special. Enjoy your well deserved rest Fr Alexius xx
— Annette Monaghan Fay
Sincere condolences to fr alexiux family may he rest in peace thank for all u done in carlow
— Joseph and annie maher
Our sincere condolences to Fr.Alexius family and his OFM Cap family. We remember Fr Alexius as a great friend to our late aunt, Tess, and a regular visitor to the O’Halloran house in Victoria Rd, Cork where he entertained all with his humour & singing over the years. May he now RIP.
— Peg O’Halloran & family, Cork
Deepest sympathy to the family,Fr Alexius was a lovely Priest.Fond memories of his times in Glengarriff,he was gifted with a beautiful singing voice,may his gentle soul rest in peace.
— Pattie and Sam Sleator Kenmare
Sincere condolences, May Fr Alexius Rest in Peace. A wonderful man and a huge part of the Monaghan family. We were all very fond of him 🙏
— Sandra Corcoran (Monaghan)
Sincere sympathies to the family and friends of Fr Alexius. May he rest in peace.
— Michael Collins T.D
Deepest sympathy to all family and
Capuchin community on Fr Alexius
passing. So blessed to have him with us in Carlow for many years for his spiritual guidance and and beautiful singing. May his gentle soul rest in peace.
— Martin Watchorn
RIP Fr Alexius, God rest your noble soul. I have many happy memories of him since I was a small child not least of which is him with a movie camera in the front garden of Curraghconway, about 1960, when he asked me to recite Trees while he shot the film. Heaven knows where he got the camera! He was as constant as a tree in our extended family down the years and will be fondly remembered by everyone.
— Gerard O'Sullivan
It was with sadness that I read of the death of Fr. Alexius Healy OFM cap. Fr. Alexius was a wonderful friend to us when he was in Holy Trinity Church Cork. Sincere condolences to all the Capuchin Community. Rest in peace Fr. Alexius
— John & Betty O Sullivan & Family Douglas Cork.
Sincere sympathy to all fr Alexius s relatives and friends on fr s passing.a lovely jolly man.may God love him rest in peace
— Margaret o Leary and family bantry
I cherish the wonderful memories I have of Fr. Alexius. I am remembering him in the Masses I celebrate
— Fr. Denis Harrington, Clane
Our family often talk about and wonder about Alexius. He and my Dad Henry were great pals when he spent time in the Holy Trinity Church here in Cork. They were also very alike and people often asked if they were brothers. With The Shakespearean Group in Cork they put on The Passion Play every Easter and at Christmas organised with local groups a Carol service. Such happy memories of him. I know he was in contact with my Mum after my Dad passed in 2009. She passed in 2014 and we lost contact with him then. Rest in peace Alexius hope your having a good catch up with my Dad. Condolences and sympathy to his family and Order. He was a great man for one man.🙏🙏🙏
— Maire Hayes. Cork
Deepest Sympathy to The Capuchin Community in Raheny Friary, on the death of Fr. Alexius Healy. A wonderful kind and welcoming Friar, a beautiful Singer, and always gave a very deep and meaningful Homily. He had a great sense of humour which was appreciated by everyone. God rest his gentle Soul.
— Betty Murphy SFO.
Good and Faithful Servant.
Fr.Alexius, Rest in Heavenly Peace with all your Loved Ones.
— Margaret Berry.
Condolences to the relatives of Alexius and his Capuchin brothers. He was a model Capuchin priest with a great sense of humour. It was always a pleasure to meet him.
— Donnacha & Margaret Foley
Sympathy to all family members god rest fr alexius soul he was a nice man
— Dermot n margaret anne harrington n collorus n lauragh
Our sincere condolences to the Healy family at this time. May he rest in peace
— Robert and Hannah O’Dwyer
Sincere condolonces to Fr Alexius family. Remember Fr Alexius in the missions when I was a young girl and met him again a few years ago in the Capuchins. A lovely holy priest that I will remember forever.
Back with the Lord now, may you be rewarded after your good and faithful life here dedicated to God🙏
— Geraldine
Rest in peace fr he was a lovely man we missed him.when he left carlow condolences to his family
— Joe and annie
My condolences to Fr.Alexius family and his OFM Cap.Family.A good and holy priest who had wonderful spiritual insight. May his long life be rewarded in his eternal home .May his gentle soul rest in peace
— Joseph Downey Glengarriff and London
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