Fr. Patrick Egan

Condolence Book for

Fr. Patrick Egan

St.Columban's, Dalgan Park, Navan, Meath / Claremorris, Mayo

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Sincere sympathy to Nuala, Gerard and all the Egan family on the passing of Fr. Pat .May his soul rest in peace.
— Loretta White. Mace ,Claremorris.
Heartfelt sympathies to the Egan family, The Columban Fathers, and all who mourn the loss of Fr.Pat, a humble, kind and devoted Columban Missionary.
Fond memories of meeting Fr.Pat in Lima in October 2013 when he travelled from Chile to concelebrate at the funeral mass of his great friend, and our much loved cousin, Fr.John O' Connell.
Suaimhneas sìoraì dà anam dìlis.
— Annabelle Reen O' Sullivan
Deepest sympathy to Dan & all the Egan family on the sad passing of Fr Paddy. May he rest in everlasting peace.
— Charlie Flanagan
Sincere sympathy to Nuala and all the Egan family on the sad passing of Fr. Pat
May he rest in peace
— Valerie Murphy
My deepest sympathy to the Egan family on the death of Fr Pat. May he rest in peace.
— Marian Jennings (Dublin & Claremorris)
The news of the passing of Fr Pat was received with much sadness by neighbours and friends here in Mayo. He was always such a welcome visitor on his many trips back home from Chile. He was assured of the warmest of welcomes when he celebrated Mass in Barnacarroll and Cuiltybo during those trips home to Mayo. Fr Pat never lost the local accent and everyone felt so easy and content in his presence. His sense of humour was so lovely and warm. He was a great priest with a humble and true heart who rendered untold deeds of kindness throughout his long life in the ministry. Condolences to all the Egan family at this sad time.
— Michael and Mary Commins
Very sorry to learn about Fr Pat's death. He was a lovely, kind, intelligent man - a great human being and an example to all.
— Renee Prendergast
On behalf of Fr. John O’ Connell’ s family (Kerry/Liam) we wish to express our sincere condolences on the passing Fr Pat to the good Lord. He was a good man and friend.
— Bina Kerins
Deepest sympathies to all the Egan family on the passing of Fr Pat, may he rest in peace.
— Tom McNicholas and Family Elmhall Taugheen Claremorris
My sympathy to you all on the death of Fr. Pat.
There was always a sense of occasion when he celebrated mass in Barnacarroll down through the years on his visits home.
May he rest peacefully.
— Bernadette Dowd, Rockfield, Claremorris
Sincere sympathy to all the Egan family and to the Columban family on the death of Fr Pat. He was a mighty man head and heart aligned in the right direction It was good to have known him and to have shared some of his insights. I am sure he is reunited with Fr ‘Seami’ and family and friends who have gone before him
Solas síoraí dà anam uasal crógach. Que en paz descance
— Fr John Ahern, Kerry (Peru)
Our condolence to Martin, Dan, Gerard, Catherine, Bernadette, Ita, Nuala, Josephine, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, grandnieces, grandnephews, extended family, Columban family and friends on the passing of Fr. Pat to heaven where he will enjoy the banquet with his parents, Philomena, Margeret, Mary, Fr Seamus who used to visit our mother's house Mrs Margaret McDonnell, Dunshaughlin and then visited our home in Drumree. We miss him v much, he was a lovely priest, god rest him, John, paul McCommiskey, the angels and saints and with all our loved and cherished ones. May Fr Pat rest in peace. Love and prayers.
— James and Mary ORourke The Hollies Augherskea Drumree Co Mea
Sincere sympathy to all the Egan family. RIP
— Brian Naughton
Sincere sympathy to all the Egan family and to The Columban Community on the death of Fr Pat.
— John Connor and family.
Sincere sympathy to the family, Pat’s friends and those who cared for him at Dalgan Park. He will be very sadly missed.
— Robert Keith
Sincerest condolences to all the Egan families on the death of Fr Pat. Go raibh leaba i measc na naomh aige.
— Gerry & Chris Boyle
Sincerest sympathy to you Catherine, Conall, Mary, Ruth, Robert, your extended Egan family and the Columban Community on the death of Father Patrick. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this very sad time. May he rest in peace.
— Mary, Damien, Shane and Alan Courtney, Cork
Deepest Condolences to Gerard, Dan, Martin, Nuala, Ita, Bernadette, Catherine, Josephine and extended members of the Egan Family on the passing of Fr. Patrick. May Fr Patrick rest in Eternal Peace.
— Seamus Mulrennan Ballyhaunis.
Deepest sympathy to the Egan family on the passing of Father Pat. I have fond memories of his visits
to our house. He was a warm,
kind person and a great friend of my dad. May he rest in peace.
— Niamh Creighton
Sincere condolences to you Dan and the Egan family on the sad passing of Fr Pat.
May his gentle soul rest in peace.
— Philip & Carmel Chambers Dublin
Deepest sympathy to Ger and Nuala and families and the extended Egan family on the death of Father Pat. May he rest in peace.
— James and Patricia prendergast
Sincere condolences to Martin, Dan Gerard, Catherine, Bernadette, Ita, Nuala and Josephine and the extended Egan family on the sad passing of Fr.Patrick. May his gentle soul rest in peace 🙏. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Comhbhrón leis an gclann ar fad.
Beannacht Dé lena anam.
— Michael and Teresa Keane Claremorris and Salthill
Deepest sympathy to the Egan and Columban families on the death of Father Patrick. Fond memories of our time as classmates in St. Colman's College. May he rest in peace.
— Seamus O'Dea, Mullingar.
Deepest Sympathy to the Egan Family on the sad passing of Fr.Pat .A pure Gentleman.May he Rest in Peace.
— Tommy & Colette Lavelle.
Deepest sympathy to all the Egan family at home and abroad on the death of Father Pat. Go ndeana Dia trocaire ar a anam uasal ⁷3
— Sean Carney Dublin and Claremorris
Sincere condolences to Nuala , Ger, all the Egan families and the Columban fathers on the death of Fr Pat. Go raibh leaba i measc na naomh aige.
— Michael and Mary Hambly
Deepest sympathy to Egan family on
the death of Fr Pat.May his gentle soul rest in peace
— The Ruane family .Milltown Co Galway
Greatly saddened to hear of the death of Father Pat who I remember with great affection. Sending my deepest sympathy to all family.
— Patrick O'Boyle, Perth, West Australia
Sincere condolences to the Egan family on the passing of Fr. Pat. May he rest in peace.
— Maura Molloy
Sincere condolences to Dan , the Egan family , and the Columban community on the sad passing of Fr Patrick .
May he rest in peace .
— Michael Walsh .
Deepest sympathy to the Egan family on their sad bereavement.
May Fr. Patrick rest in peace.
— Jim Higgins, Ballyhaunis.
Condolences to the Egan family on the death of Fr Paddy. An outstanding missionary .
Solas na bhFlaitheas air
Kathleen Cassidy (formerly of Claremorris)
— Kathleen Cassidy
Sincere sympathy,
May he rest in eternal peace.
— Kells Resident
Sincere sympathy to all the Egan families on the death of Fr Paddy. A great Columban Missionery. May he rest in peace.
— Robert Cosgrove Claremorris
Sincere sympathy to Ger and Anne, Nuala and family and all of Fr. Patricks brothers and sisters and his extended family.
— Pauline Leonard, Claremorris.
Conocer esta noticia ha sido de aquellos momentos que nunca habría querido que llegaran. Me ha tomado tiempo pensar en el mundo sin su presencia. Sin importar la enorme distancia, siempre su recuerdo, sus palabras, su cariño han estado y seguirán presentes para siempre en mi vida. Conocí al padre Patricio cuando tenía 10 años, en Vallenar, Chile. Y estuvo presente en los momentos mas importantes de mi vida, me dio la primera comunión, nos acompañó en mi titulación universitaria en 2005 y en 2014 celebró nuestro matrimonio. Fue un misionero comprometido y generoso, y para mi un gran amigo, como ese abuelo sabio. Con sus enseñanzas, su integridad, su alegría y su apoyo siempre presente ayudó a forjar mi vida y le estará eternamente agradecida. Reciba su familia nuestras sinceras condolencias, descanse en paz padre Patricio, su legado será eterno.
— Claudia Rojas, Vallenar, Chile
Conocer esta noticia ha sido de aquellos momentos que nunca habría querido que llegaran. Me ha tomado tiempo pensar en el mundo sin su presencia. Sin importar la enorme distancia, siempre su recuerdo, sus palabras, su cariño han estado y seguirán presentes para siempre en mi vida. Conocí al padre Patricio cuando tenía 10 años, en Vallenar, Chile. Y estuvo presente en los momentos mas importantes de mi vida, me dio la primera comunión, nos acompañó en mi titulación universitaria en 2005 y en 2014 celebró nuestro matrimonio. Fue un misionero comprometido y generoso, y para mi un gran amigo, como ese abuelo sabio. Con sus enseñanzas, su integridad, su alegría y su apoyo siempre presente ayudó a forjar mi vida y le estará eternamente agradecida. Reciba su familia nuestras sinceras condolencias, descanse en paz padre Patricio, su legado será eterno.
— Claudia Rojas, Vallenar, Chile
Conocer esta noticia ha sido de aquellos momentos que nunca habría querido que llegaran. Me ha tomado tiempo pensar en el mundo sin su presencia. Sin importar la enorme distancia, siempre su recuerdo, sus palabras, su cariño han estado y seguirán para siempre presentes en mi vida. Conocí al padre Patricio cuando yo tenía 10 años, en Vallenar, Chile. Estuvo en tantos momentos, me dio la primera comunión, estuvo cuando recibí mi título universitario en 2005 y en 2014 celebró nuestro matrimonio. Fue un misionero comprometido y generoso, y además un gran amigo, como un abuelo cariñoso y sabio. Con sus enseñanzas, su integridad, su alegría, su apoyo siempre presente, ayudó a forjar mi vida y le estaré eternamente agradecida. Nuestras sinceras condolencias a su familia, descanse en paz padre Patricio, su legado será eterno.
— Claudia Rojas Castillo
Sincere sympathy to The Egan Family and The Columban Fathers on the death of Fr Pat. + Requiescat In Pace +.
— Fr John O'Gorman Lackagh
Rest in peace Fr. And thank you for your faith, your witness and your Priesthood. Rest in precious peace. Sending my love, prayers and condolences to all the family at this sad time x
— Amanda Curran, Co. Meath.
Sincere sympathy and prayers to all the Egan and Columban Families on the death of a good and faithful missionary, Fr. Pat Egan. Neighbours and cousins we grew up together, visited one another's homes and always got a warm welcome. May God reward Fr. Pat for all the good he has done to so many for so long. May his gentle soul rest in peace.
— Mary Keane (Sr. Angelus, Galway)
Sincere sympathy to Gerard,Anne the Egan family and Columban community.Another of the great missionaries gone to God,may Fr.Patrick now enjoy his eternal reward.
— Michael and Mary Loftus
Our deepest sympathies to Ger, Ann and all the Egan family on the sad passing of Fr Pat.

May he rest in peace.
— Tom and Connie Merrick, Claremorris
Sincere sympathy to the Egan family and the Columban community.
Pato was a good man and a fine priest. I knew him in Chile and he was much loved by the Chilean people. He was kind and helpful and he enjoyed their company.
Peace to his kindly soul. Rest in peace Pato.
Que descanse en la paz de Dios.
— Jack Caesar, Tipperary
Rest in peace fr.patrick
— Mary Duggan convent road claremorris
Sincere condolences to all the Egan family on the passing of your brother Fr Pat ,May he Rest In Eternal Peace.
— Michael & Veronica Cleary ,Ratoath.
There are some deaths that leave you in no doubt that, as John Donne and Hemingway say, ‘the bell tolls for thee’ and Pat Egan’s death is very much one of those for me. I am sure I am far from being alone in feeling that a part of me has died with Pat’s death. Yes, I have many memories that will remain, but I will miss his strong presence, the glare in those big eyes, his wonderfully unique humour and laugh. Yes, I do have lots of great learnings and they will last, but I will miss his on-going wisdom on so many things and his enormous integrity and fidelity to truth. But I am so grateful to him for all he gave me and especially for his kindness in so many ways including making me feel part of his family to whom I send my sympathies and thanks. And I am grateful to life and the Columbans for helping Pat make such a powerful contribution to the betterment of our world
— Brian Smyth
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