Francis LYNCH

Condolence Book for

Francis LYNCH

Carlow Town, Carlow

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Deepest condolences to the Lynch family at this difficult time. May he rest in peace.
— Deputy Jennifer Murnane O'Connor
Condolences to all family and friends may his soul rest in peace
— Yvonne
Sincere sympathy to all the Lynch family on the passing of Francis. May he rest in peace
— Shem and Ann Brophy Carlow
Condolences to entire Lynch family on your sad loss of Francis R.I.P.
— Dominic & Mary Timmons Bestfield
Deepest sympathy to all the Lynch family on the sad passing of Francis Go Ndeana Dia trocaire ar a anam uasal
— Seamus Nolan Graiguecullen
Condolences to family, May he rest in peace-R.I.P.
— MB Carlow
Sincere sympathies to the Lynch families on the sad passing of Francis. May he rest in peace
— Patsy and Patricia O Keeffe
Deepest condolences to the lynch family. May his gentle soul rest eternally with God's grace abounding ❤️ 🙏 ✨️
— Dennis Brooks
Deepest sympathy to Francis,s family R,I,P,
— Paddy and Ann Brennan Curragh Cottage Killeshin
Sincere condolences to the Lynch family on the sudden passing of Francy. May his gentle soul rest in eternal peace
— Benny and Maisie Mills, Leighlinbridge
Rest in peace Francy with your family and friends going before you
— Jackie n Helen
Rest well my friend.
— Patrick Ray
Deepest sympathies to all the family.. RIP
— Liz
Deepest sympathies to all the Lynch family on the passing of Francis. May he rest in peace
— Derek Cummins Tomard Leighlinbridge
Condolences to all the family and friends Rest in peace
— Martin Mullins
My sincere condolences to all Francis's family and friends
RIP Francis. Gone but not forgotten. .
— Anton
Deepest Sympathy to Francis's family, and extended family may his gentle soul rest in etetnal peace.
— Anon
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